Did you see much for other goats? i have a couple buddies with the tag and where they were hunting they said it turned into a rodeo the day before the opener. they both pulled out and are going back later.
Whiskeydog in camp were getting 9” using a string and the ruler on a Leatherman so not very precise. Fowl_minded we saw a lot of goats and a handful of decent billys. Some were in places they are plenty safe though. We met a few other goat hunters along the trail but while hunting we had it to ourselves.
Thank you all for the information and replies. This was an amazing hunt and I'm grateful for having the opportunity to share it with good buddies. I was fortunate enough to take an elk with my bow this weekend before heading back to Nevada for work.
Thanks klg for posting our pictures. Now I can focus on the moose tag . Thanks again for the replies . Anyone have any 102 ideas ?