Montana missouri breaks sheep 2025 regs.

It’s a disease problem, not a hunting problem. A handful more deadheads laying in the Breaks vs. in someone’s trophy room wouldn’t make a difference. And we will wash, rinse, and repeat this cycle as long as we continue to let people do whatever they GD want wherever they GD want to do it.

Such a frustrating and $hitty situation.
The domestic sheep farming industry must be the best at lobbying. I’ve never been able to understand how they are so powerful and wild sheep don’t seem to matter. I know you are much more knowledgeable on this than the rest of us are. If some disease like this threatened grizzlies or wolves, the feds would be all over it. It’s so frustrating as someone whose lifelong dream has been to hunt bighorns, knowing that I will never get the chance.
Was it Montana where the State would not play ball to buy a landowner's property or swap public for private so the landowner pushed a crapton of domestic sheep onto the land neighboring bighorn sheep? Maybe was 5 years ago? That is gangster to risk bighorns when is plenty of suitable grazing further from bighorn herds. But, hey, we need a few people to set the bar on humanity quite low so the rest of us look like heroes for just being no more than a slightly crappy person.

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