Montana General Season Structure Proposal

@Flatbrimmer - Serious question. Why shouldn’t kids be included in the sacrifices made for the good of the resource? Seems like a valuable life lesson to teach that lack of responsible choices on the part of adults translates to loss of privilege for the next generation.

The youth hunt and separate regulations for youth hunters is a relatively new expansion that is only @ ten years old. Historically, there was no privileged regulation for youth hunters.

In retaining the ability of youth hunters to enjoy expanded opportunities over adult hunters for the two day youth season we are intentionally lessening the impact on youth in this proposal. In my opinion, the health of mule deer as a resource can’t sustain a privileged youth regulation for the entire season.
No no, I just think the kids should be aloud to shoot a mule deer all season in any district. Last year nobody had so many restrictions, this year even the children do. In MY opinion, we shouldn’t have to restrict the kids as well unless it’s THAT detrimental. I’ll give up a little of my opportunity that’s a non issue. But I believe they deserve all the opportunities available. That’s why 15 year olds or less have way more options as far as either sex etc.
Why restrict it to just the general season then? Let them go nuts from August til February. It wasn't that long ago most all states had no special youth season and kids had to wait until they were old and mature enough to stick it out with the adults.
If you really want feedback from the general hunting population get pages like Trophy Bucks and Bulls of Montana and Montanica extreme adventures or whatever it’s called to post it and see what kind of comments come up
I couldn’t take it. I screen shot the proposal and put it on there. I’ve got a pretty open Friday evening
This represents a ton of work from a lot of people. I'm grateful for their work. This is not easy to plow through.

When I look at how much opportunity continues with this proposal and compare it to the current system, I think these proposals are beneficial to deer/elk in Montana, even if it causes concern for some. It will be a heavy lift to overcome 1) the critics who refuse any changes, 2) the "institutional inertia" of an agency, and 3) the legislators who think they have a PhD in wildlife management.

Even with that, I think it can be done. And it can be tweaked going forward to reflect what is/isn't working. I, like anyone, can probably find something I'd approach differently, but this is a big improvement and still allows a ton of opportunity. With the increases in resident population, and all that comes with that, Montana cannot stay in a 1984 management structure.

As someone who spent a lot of time in 1997/98 trying to get pick your Region/District for mule deer, and seeing how beneficial that was when adopted only in Region 3, it will be interesting to see how it unfolds if adopted statewide.

Thanks to all who have put effort into this. Feel free to use our platforms to get feedback. When the time comes, we will use our platforms to help promote the final version.
Speaking only for myself, but I hope that by making people pick a region it gives us some concrete data as to where people are hunting deer and if needed, a regional cap could be looked at a little down the road with a couple years of data.

I might be too optimistic but I do expect there to be some people in Regions 1,2, & 3 that wouldn’t pick R6 or R7 since they would be restricted to only hunting in a spot that’s 8+ hours away. Since this is already a pretty major change the group was aware of being realistic in what we hope we can accomplish with this proposal.
In regards to questions about regional caps… We discussed this as a potential necessity. Currently, we are hoping that these changes and picking a region will alleviate pressure enough to not require regional caps. We’re trying to walk a balance between resource protection and opportunity.

Within the more expansive proposal that I linked in my original post is our support for legislation requiring FWP to implement mandatory reporting. Several years of pick your region, mandatory reporting and a biological evaluation of whether or not our proposals ( if adopted) are successful in helping mule deer should give FWP plenty of data to determine whether regional caps are going to be necessary in the future.

At this point, we’re not supporting regional caps.
so everyone and their mothers cousins brothers uncle will still be in regions 6 and 7 is what you’re saying!
I want to preface everything I’m about to say with I haven’t read every comment yet but will. Also, I love the opportunity Montana offers because I love being able to hunt close to home all fall every year. There is enough quality to make most hunters excited but for those it doesn’t, there are other, higher quality hunts to be had in other states where they manage things a bit differently (where you can’t expect to hunt every year).

I think these proposals are thoughtful and made with good intentions but I think they are way too broad. Why does Montana as a whole need major overhaul instead of just the seriously impacted regions? I can only speak for the last 20 years in parts of Regions Four and Five but our deer herds are doing great.

If I had any suggestions on how to change the November deer hunt we currently have is to move certain areas (like Eastern MT) to primitive weapons or create a point restriction. That would surely keep more mature animals on the landscape. There isn’t a need to restructure the whole state IMO.

My only argument against choosing one species of deer is not understanding how it would benefit anything. The whitetail population is robust and mule deer can be protected in other ways as stated above. Not that anyone cares but this would place me in a mental crisis every application season as well😣

Lastly, why the massive changes to elk season structure when the problem is a mule deer problem? The proposed seasons lead me to think many elk would be pushed out of publicly accessible areas by the time the general November season opened.

And yes, I love hunting deer in the rut and would really be down about losing that opportunity.
Under the proposal, you’d still have the opportunity to do just that. You’d be hunting for a whitetail, but you get to hunt one all rut long.
That’s a detail I missed which helps me stomach that a bit more. I would have to sacrifice hunting mountain mulies early to do that though…
I can only speak for the last 20 years in parts of Regions Four and Five but our deer herds are doing great.

If I had any suggestions on how to change the November deer hunt we currently have is to move certain areas (like Eastern MT) to primitive weapons or create a point restriction. That would surely keep more mature animals on the landscape. There isn’t a need to restructure the whole state IMO.

410 just went very limited entry this year so I wouldn’t say 4 is doing great

As far as point restrictions that has proven not to work. You end up with old 3pts and the young 4pts with potential and good genetics get killed
410 just went very limited entry this year so I wouldn’t say 4 is doing great

As far as point restrictions that has proven not to work. You end up with old 3pts and the young 4pts with potential and good genetics get killed
parts of Regions Four and Five
Yeah I wouldn’t know 410, just speaking to my units west of there.

Maybe the solution is primitive weapons or LE if point restrictions don’t work as I’ve since read.
Yeah I wouldn’t know 410, just speaking to my units west of there.

Maybe the solution is primitive weapons or LE if point restrictions don’t work as I’ve since read.

Please post up any general units that still have good mule deer hunting. It’s not too late for us to shoot those areas out this fall. 😎 -asking for a friend
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