Montana FWP Seeking Applicants For Elk Advisory Group

Members are Ian Wargo, Heath Hansen, Brent Race D.V.M., Stephanie Prater, Scott Tinklenberg, Matt Wickens, Race King, Chuck Rein, Druska Kinkie, Staci Ketchum, Scott Van Dyken, and Aaron Iverson.

If you aren't first, you're last.
Members are Ian Wargo, Heath Hansen, Brent Race D.V.M., Stephanie Prater, Scott Tinklenberg, Matt Wickens, Race King, Chuck Rein, Druska Kinkie, Staci Ketchum, Scott Van Dyken, and Aaron Iverson.

If you aren't first, you're last.

Thanks Miller. I'll withhold judgement, as I don't know these folks really. A few names are familiar from some hunting FB groups, others are associated with the stockgrowers association, which is fine. I hope, as much as anything, they are independent in their decisions and recommendations, from the Director, who has been nothing but a poison pill as it pertains to improving elk management in Montana.

Also, just sent a bit more scratch this way:
Unfortunately I think the time has come for this change to take place. It’s hard to give up the opportunity we’ve been used to but with the growing population in the state and influx of out of state hunters there must be some relief provided to the resource. If the change occurs, I’ll be selecting archery season.
Interesting. Hard to imagine having to choose between the two, would prefer a shortened rifle or pick a certain week for rifle as many have brought up. Any limitation on opportunity/overcrowding is probably worth trying at this point. I love archery hunting but since I’ve never harvested an elk in the 6 seasons of trying with a bow it’s hard for me to see myself picking archery given the success I’ve found with a rifle.
I've talked to and met with three of the committee members. They are putting a lot of time into this. I hope the Department gives their recommendations the consideration deserved. Having served on many of these committees in the past, I am aware of the work required. Thanks to all who are giving of their time do serve on this committee.
The pushback I'm seeing to pick your weapon has a lot of points but none of them that I see actually address why boat loads of cheap opportunity are any better (along with other negatives of too much pressure). Truthfully, I've slowly come to hate rifle season and would choose archery every time, even as unsuccessful as I am. I would like to think though that maybe with redistribution of elk and hunters that our success rates overall would improve with time? Although with the steady increase of hunters maybe not. I look forward to more discussion on the proposals and understanding how they can improve.
Surprised they are focused on this instead of choosing your region/zone/unit.
They did discuss this quite a bit in a few meetings and it would have been nice to explore this more. With these giant units that we have now, I'd wonder if breaking up the units would be helpful for distribution...even though that's not the direction the department is going.
Funny to watch Facebook blow up over the group even suggesting picking a weapon. Truly why nothing will ever be fixed. Everybody wants better hunting but not if it takes any opportunity away from them.
Funny to watch Facebook blow up over the group even suggesting picking a weapon. Truly why nothing will ever be fixed. Everybody wants better hunting but not if it takes any opportunity away from them.
The self proclaimed future poachers is a nice touch.
Some wild ideas and opinions for sure...
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BHA is short sighted in their opposition to restrictions on “opportunity” and only focusing on opening up inaccessible properties. That latter will not happen at a rate that eliminates the need for the former.

Quality and quantity of wildlife resources on accessible areas will continue to decline for as long as pressure is static or increasing.
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