Kenetrek Boots

Montana Fish/Wyoming Pronghorn Mostly Pictures

Isn’t it crazy how different peoples’ tastes are? I love that beer. I’m a hophead. Big Sky IPA, Fresh Bong Water, Jeremiah Johnson Citra IPA are a few different styles of Montana ales I love. I don’t like brown ales like Moose Drool. They’re too sweet, but each his own.

The woods, with a cat, beer, hunting, fishing… sounds like a modern t by Hemingway.

Oh, and in the words of Ben Franklin, “ Beer is living proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.” On top of that he has now led the evolution of craft beer to remind us of his infinite love.
I was really surprised. Lots of deep pools but not even a hit or riser. Was hoping to catch my first bull trout.
When I worked for Colorado DOW and we were shocking for population estimates, we would invariably come upon a few guys fishing who would tell us there was nothing in a given hole. So we would proceed to float through and pull up some absolute hogs while these guys stood there looking flabbergasted. My old boss would just laugh and tell them “They all bite on electricity.” I can still hear him calling that out towards shore 🤣
When I worked for Colorado DOW and we were shocking for population estimates, we would invariably come upon a few guys fishing who would tell us there was nothing in a given hole. So we would proceed to float through and pull up some absolute hogs while these guys stood there looking flabbergasted. My old boss would just laugh and tell them “They all bite on electricity.” I can still hear him calling that out towards shore 🤣
I was fishing a river for steelhead a couple years ago, and work the heck out of one very enticing, looking run first thing in the morning. I wasn’t able to get a single hit. Convinced there were no steelhead in the hole, I started walking back to the truck. A family of otters came through and had four dead steelhead on the bank within about 60 seconds LOL.
I was fishing a river for steelhead a couple years ago, and work the heck out of one very enticing, looking run first thing in the morning. I wasn’t able to get a single hit. Convinced there were no steelhead in the hole, I started walking back to the truck. A family of otters came through and had four dead steelhead on the bank within about 60 seconds LOL.
I had an otter do that to me with a big cutthroat. I threw a rock at him in protest.
We did grab some last night before heading for a steak at Lindey's.
When I worked for Colorado DOW and we were shocking for population estimates, we would invariably come upon a few guys fishing who would tell us there was nothing in a given hole. So we would proceed to float through and pull up some absolute hogs while these guys stood there looking flabbergasted. My old boss would just laugh and tell them “They all bite on electricity.” I can still hear him calling that out towards shore 🤣

We electrofished a 296 foot reach of stream and captured about 360 fish. An avid angler that was volunteering with us that day could not believe his eyes. He told me he had fished that stream reach many times and the most he had ever caught was 12 fish.

Like your boss said, “They all bite on electricity.”
