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Montana Elk Proposals with Director Hank Worsech

Big Fin could submit the same thing except HT has more than 500 members but we certainly don't all agree on anything :)

I can see it now:

Dear Commission, we have reviewed the Elk Master List and find it lacking.

Please append:

A nude yogi on every backcountry cliff, an argument on every page about which caliber is best, and an excel spreadsheet chart daily provided by @wllm1313.

These are our demands. You have until Friday until we lock this thread and subsequently, this Commisson.

Submitted on behalf of the 20,000 members of HuntTalk, a certain percentage of which are bots.

Sincerely, BF
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Keep after it folks.

The UPOM alert is bait. They want folks to be angry and mean to the commission so they add their divisive and hateful language to everything they do.

This is why one of the key concepts of outreach is to be polite, courteous and kind. Obviously nobody is Anti-Landowner, but as soon as you bite on that fly and respond to what they are saying, you play into their hands.

Ignore them and continue to do the outstanding advocacy that you are already doing.

Be kind, be patient and be thoughtful.
Keep after it folks.

The UPOM alert is bait. They want folks to be angry and mean to the commission so they add their divisive and hateful language to everything they do.

This is why one of the key concepts of outreach is to be polite, courteous and kind. Obviously nobody is Anti-Landowner, but as soon as you bite on that fly and respond to what they are saying, you play into their hands.

Ignore them and continue to do the outstanding advocacy that you are already doing.

Be kind, be patient and be thoughtful.
Sorry Ben, I couldn't ignore UPOM. I felt the need to point out that UPOM does not speak for all landowners, just the ones that think that they own the wildlife. I tried to be diplomatic.
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I referenced the UPOM post in a follow up email to commissioners. Pointed out they have a slam dunk on which most parties can agree - UPOM wants unlimited permits (they didn't say bull permits, intentionally i presume) to control the population and unlimited antlerless permits on private land are a great way to go about it.
I referenced the UPOM post in a follow up email to commissioners. Pointed out they have a slam dunk on which most parties can agree - UPOM wants unlimited permits (they didn't say bull permits, intentionally i presume) to control the population and unlimited antlerless permits on private land are a great way to go about it.
It's the reason UPOM was created. They don't try to hide it. It's right there on the website under "How We Got Started"...

"In December, 2007, the Montana FWP Commission took an unprecedented step by passing a tentative proposal to limit archery elk permits in the Missouri River Breaks Elk Management Unit and 24 other hunting districts. In spite of overwhelming public opposition from landowners, businesses, and industry leaders, the Commission voted unanimously to adopt it."
I believe most funding and even some staff for UPOM is all provided by "The Montana Group".

The MT Group is the lobby shop that the UPOM staff owns. They have a host of clients you can look up on the Office of Political Practices. The organization is a legit dark money group that does not have to show their donors, unlike the 501 (c)3 organizations on the hunting side, who are legally required to show donors.

The shop (MT Group) is also hugely influential in the right wing of the GOP, and their staff often act as treasurers, etc for large political campaigns.
Would be absurd to think all 500 members agree on everything. I've gotta think a good portion of the members recognize that the aggressive central/eastern MT regs would be a bad thing for a lot of folks just to benefit a vocal and influential minority.

I appreciate Big Shooter and Albus being frank about this stuff and it was probably stupid of me to put em on the spot.
Not stupid of you at all! We are both transparent and not afraid to give our opinions and beliefs. No harm done.
Don’t waste too much time waiting as I already sent mine in and they had more to do with deer than elk.
I sent mine in as well.

I just thought it would be great if the MOGA R7 Director would share his thoughts directly to the Commission face to face or through Zoom. I think it could have gone a long way.

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