Montana Elk Big Game Combo 2018, 2019 and going forward, how tough will the odds get

I don't want to be left out, but this eastern tenderfoot agrees too!

Complaining about NR tag fees/allocations is about like complaining about the weather. Might make you feel better (or not) but there's not much one can do about it. Just prepare for it and go on with your bidness...
Anyone know the draw odds of the non-resident combo license in 2017? Was it 100%? Thanks
That's something to complain about?

You are correct that it's not all bad news but the trend is not good.

Are you still applying in Oregon? New Mexico? Get any good sheep or goat permits in Alaska without paying through the nose for an outfitter?

Glad you support Federal lands with or without hunting privileges but there are many who are not like you.
You are correct that it's not all bad news but the trend is not good.

Are you still applying in Oregon? New Mexico? Get any good sheep or goat permits in Alaska without paying through the nose for an outfitter?

Glad you support Federal lands with or without hunting privileges but there are many who are not like you.

Thank you for illustrating my point in the "really?" thread.
These very threads which some folks have problems with - give me insight.
Insight as to how and why we as public land hunters (actually owners and recreationalist's of all types) currently face the challenges we do.
All it takes is a look in the collective mirror..........
"Lots of Federal lands are [in] jeopardy and these types of policies are not helping them".

The inference here is that somehow being more able to, as a non-resident, hunt these federal lands is somehow tied to one's attitude about the actual land has been discussed here at some length.
If one's attitude about a uniquely American concept and privilege is indeed tied to this, then I'd suggest - at very best - your vision barely makes it past the end of your nose.

I'm not sure I follow you. My vision of fair and equitable distribution of permits and hunting privileges that's inclusive for both residents and nonresidents on Federal land so that more citizens support keeping our Federal lands?
You are correct that it's not all bad news but the trend is not good.

Are you still applying in Oregon? New Mexico? Get any good sheep or goat permits in Alaska without paying through the nose for an outfitter?

Glad you support Federal lands with or without hunting privileges but there are many who are not like you.

I've only applied for a few things in Oregon over the years, mainly because I just don't know enough about the State to even know where to apply. Its not because of any policy that Oregon has, and has nothing to do with Federal lands. New Mexico, I have applied in the past, but don't anymore for a couple reasons. I don't apply for elk, pronghorn or deer there because I have all that I want in the other States I apply for. I don't like the idea of having to go with an outfitter and the odds for sheep there are I already drew a Desert in Arizona. I cant apply for OIL oryx, because I drew that too. My reasons for applying there or not have nothing to do with Federal land ownership. AK, I've shot blacktails, muskox, moose, and dall sheep there...I "paid out the nose" for my sheep to the tune of $4750 and shot a record book ram. Once again, Federal land ownership had no bearing on why I hunt AK or not.

Every State I've chosen to apply for tags in and hunt, I gladly pay the NR fees and don't complain about it. If I feel its worth it, I apply, if not, I don't. Pretty simple, but I don't complain that the fees should be lower because those states have Federal Lands within their border, or that I'm being limited by the number of tags I can apply for.

I support Federal lands and the continued control by the Federal Government. I also support States continuing to control the game within their boarders, including limiting NR opportunities and charging NR more.

Its a good system, and works just fine.
I find it funny that some complain about non resident prices in Montana. I'm a resident, and still hunt out of state, every year. Hell last year I hunted WA for elk. I applied for a 'quality' elk tag. It cost me $600 to apply for a non refundable application. When I didn't draw, I was stuck with a 6 day, $600 muzzleloader SPIKE only elk tag, you should of seen the look on some locals faces when I told them that, as they were checking out my trophy spike that I was able to take on the hunt haha I wouldn't trade that hunt for the world and might apply next year. After that I was off to Idaho for a late season elk hunt that ended up being -29 and several feet of snow. Ate that $650 tag 2 week tag. Boo hoo. I'd pay twice as much for either experience.

Wanna know that the difference is between those tags and a tag in montana? A tag in montana is good for 11 weeks with the purchase of an archery stamp. A tag in montana is good for nearly the entire state, a tag in montana has potential for trophy class animals.
I'm not sure I follow you. My vision of fair and equitable distribution of permits and hunting privileges that's inclusive for both residents and nonresidents on Federal land so that more citizens support keeping our Federal lands?
I suspect you follow him just fine, you just don't want to admit the selfish nature of your "support" for federal lands. Which you've stated is tied to your ability, as a NR, to hunt those lands that's tied to what you as fair access to tags.

Use the search function on here and you'll get plenty to read on that topic. You can wish away, but the legality of the system is well established and I don't see it changing.
Ha, sounds like this has turned into an debate that can't be won. NRs on one side who support federal land and just want a way to hunt them and Residents on the other who don't want the laws to change. Supportable both ways without much chance of swaying someone to the opposite side.... Unless a NR moves and becomes a resident ; ) I guess we'll all just have to agree to disagree.
Still couldn't find any official odds. I would guess at about a 50/50 chance for 2018.


I don't see any odds still. Crazy that it takes this long for MT to post draw odds, considering that other states often post them the same day as draw results.

I wonder if FWP is still trying to decipher the data themselves.
Still couldn't find any official odds. I would guess at about a 50/50 chance for 2018.

I’d think they’d be better than that. It was 100% draw last year with left over tags (I think - correct me if my memory is wrong). There’s an increase in folks hunting NR currently and WY increased fees. I’d expect demand to increase in MT but I’d expect the draw odds to be 80% to 100%.
I’d think they’d be better than that. It was 100% draw last year with left over tags (I think - correct me if my memory is wrong). There’s an increase in folks hunting NR currently and WY increased fees. I’d expect demand to increase in MT but I’d expect the draw odds to be 80% to 100%.

Your way off . Deer combo had lots of NRs get denied , the big game combo deer/elk had guys denied too but draw odds were better than for the deer combo . The elk combo was only one that was 100% draw
Your way off . Deer combo had lots of NRs get denied , the big game combo deer/elk had guys denied too but draw odds were better than for the deer combo . The elk combo was only one that was 100% draw

Oh, Nevermind my previous post.
any one know how many points were bought for deer and elk general tags last year?

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