Caribou Gear

Montana Citizens Elk Coalition Forming

I donate occasionally to a lot of different conservation groups that I feel are making a difference, often buy using the power of lawyers to right some wrongs against public hunters. I will be donating to this organization because of the lobbyist presence we badly need. Hopefully this group is also pursuing the ballot box initiative options we have available for the next election. We need an ELECTED F&W director and ELECTED F&W commissioners!

This would protect us from the political extremism that currently exists in both parties. We all know what’s happening here, and in Washington their F&G commission just voted to end spring bear hunting. Well, it tied in vote, so it ends I guess?! We need protection from politicians!!!
Donations in. Glad to see it working. Thanks Justin and all those working for Montana's interest!

Edit: I didn't realize my donation went to Montana Wildlife Federation. It would help to have a statement on the donation's page that MWF is collecting the donations for The Montana Citizen's Elk Proposal .

Email receipt: Not an issue though I had to go back and ensure something did not go astray.
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Donations in. Glad to see it working. Thanks Justin and all those working for Montana's interest!

Edit: I didn't realize my donation went to Montana Wildlife Federation. It would help to have a statement on the donation's page that MWF is collecting the donations for The Montana Citizen's Elk Proposal .

Email receipt: Not an issue though I had to go back and ensure something did not go astray.
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Yes, MWF is the fiduciary for the coalition. Donations are tax deductible and will go to separate account only to be used for this coalition's work. Thanks Charles!
This looks great! Signed up and donation made. Hope this can do more than the emails they ignore. Look forward to seeing this progress!
I will be donating to this organization because of the lobbyist presence we badly need. Hopefully this group is also pursuing the ballot box initiative options we have available for the next election. We need an ELECTED F&W director and ELECTED F&W commissioners!

This would protect us from the political extremism that currently exists in both parties.
Can someone in the know clarify or confirm if there is a lobbying focus of this org?

Sorry if I missed in in my reading. There's certainly a big value in documenting proposals so politicians can't claim no pro-active policy has been presented. If lobbying and working full-time to generate political interest are a core mission, then I'm an even bigger fan and supporter.
I would like to make a donation. When I click on the donate button, it sends me to a website for Is that the same organization or did I do something wrong?
Can someone in the know clarify or confirm if there is a lobbying focus of this org?

Sorry if I missed in in my reading. There's certainly a big value in documenting proposals so politicians can't claim no pro-active policy has been presented. If lobbying and working full-time to generate political interest are a core mission, then I'm an even bigger fan and supporter.

Yes. The funds will be used to host meetings throughout 2022, develop legislation based on those meetings, run media campaigns to educate the people, have one on one meetings with legislators, livestock producers and to have a full time lobbyist ready for the 2023 session. This will be in conjunction with the part-time lobbyist for MTBHA and the full-time staff person at MWF who will be lobbying on these issues as well as every other public land, wildlife and budgetary issue that comes forward.

I would like to make a donation. When I click on the donate button, it sends me to a website for Is that the same organization or did I do something wrong?

MWF is the fiduciary agent for the coalition. The funds donated to this effort will be placed in a separate account to be used only for this coalition. The coalition is comprised of roughly 19 organizations, but MWF has the staff time & infrastructure to manage it. All donations are tax deductible.
I donate occasionally to a lot of different conservation groups that I feel are making a difference, often buy using the power of lawyers to right some wrongs against public hunters. I will be donating to this organization because of the lobbyist presence we badly need. Hopefully this group is also pursuing the ballot box initiative options we have available for the next election. We need an ELECTED F&W director and ELECTED F&W commissioners!

This would protect us from the political extremism that currently exists in both parties. We all know what’s happening here, and in Washington their F&G commission just voted to end spring bear hunting. Well, it tied in vote, so it ends I guess?! We need protection from politicians!!!
Agree with elected director and commissioners. Obviously the director would be a statewide ballot. Commissioners could be from local ballots in different geographical locations throughout the state.
Just thinking of Washington as an example. If all were on a statewide ballot, a large number of voters exist in a highly populated area where the outcome of a statewide election for all would probably not necessarily represent the views of voters in different geographical locations.
If we ponder the vote process... I would consider each commission voted by the people in that Region for that commission position.

As representatives of those constituents, commissioners in each region vote for the Director.

Too simple, I know.