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Montana Antelope or Onion Harvest? Goats!


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
eastern Washington
This year my brother and I drew our first ever Montana antelope tags. We also farm together and onion harvest was definitely drawing out longer than normal, threatening our chances of getting over to Montana for this hunt. After being rained out of onion harvest again, we decided it was time to just go. I also farm with my sons who had not drawn tags, so I left them in charge of the farm. I was up past midnight loading up the truck and after a few hours of sleep headed out to hunt antelope.
We were hunting some Block Management as well as checking BLM and State sections. My brother was up first and found this buck bedded alone on a very flat piece of Montana, but with one livestock pond bank allowing just enough cover for the sneak.
The next day we hiked into an area that just looked like it should have some goats, after about a mile and a half hike that suspicion proved correct. We both ended up getting our antelope on BLM sections, those GPS maps sure come in handy. After getting back to the truck and heading home we got to witness one of those famous big sky sunsets. Now back home we're still working on getting wet onions harvested, but it sure feels good having notched my first ever Montana antelope tag.
Outstanding! A couple great bucks and some really cool pictures. I'm thinking antelope heart and onions seems fitting about now....
Great work filling your tags.
I have seen a lot of sunsets in Montana, they never get old.Your picture is a real gem.
Two great bucks! Your brother's is really awesome for Montana.

Your photo essays are always top notch, and this didn't disappoint. I hope you draw next year!
Nice work on critters and camera. Those reading JoseCuervo's current thread on "bad grip and grin pics" can sure enough go to school with your very well done photos. Outstanding even!!
Nice photography! GREAT bucks! Looks like a fantastic time! Grats! Thanks for sharing. :)
Great photos and good quality bucks! Looks like a great, albeit quick trip! Congrats guys.