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Montana 270-50 mulie tag!!!

Since everyone is in such a giving mood, TJones, can I hunt your whitetail spot since you'll be preoccupied with muleys this year?

I plan on drawing the extra buck tag to hunt before and after work. I am really not a giving/nice guy. :)
Phutch u seen 32 170 inch plus bucks.

Randy-I had the tag in 2008.

Killergaurd-Yes but most were on the low end of 170. They were easy to find in Aug and 1st two weeks of Sept after they shed velvet they got a lot harder to find. That yr anyway I was looking at 10+ nice bucks a day in Aug. Also some of those deer were on private. That was just the sum total of my season. I should mention I ate the tag rather than shoot a smaller buck. I wanted a mid 180 or better.

I passed up a buck opening day of rifle that I figured was 31-32 wide and baseball bat thick, basically a giant 2x2 all four forks were like if u make the peace sign. ...My buddy and I were arguing over a big 5x5 opening day of archery up in Little sleeping child. We figured he was 176 on the low end and 184 on the upper...eventually walked by me in full velvet at 32 yards...regret that one too.

I haven't set foot in there hunting since so I wouldn't use my info other than I found scouting very useful if for no other reason than to learn the rds/trails and hidden pockets.

This unit peaked a few yrs after the big fires in 2000. All the nutrients from the burn are gone and the burns are growing back in. Doubt it will ever be what it was. It gained its rep from 2003-2007. Lots of 190 deer were present then. Still arguably the best deer unit in the state IMO
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I was joking on the $$$ making guys more friendly. Maybe the unit isn't what it used to be but I've got the tag now so that don't really matter. I'm hoping for the buck of a lifetime and more importantly some fun hunting seeing lots of game. From everything I hear it's still about the best tag around so September can't come soon enough!!!
There are lots of reason for the 270 buck decline. The age of fires being the least. Vore, when he was our bio raised permits to 125 for a couple years. Not good.

Poaching is crazy in both 261 and 270, but because of the large amount of public land in 270 it seems more prevalent. The warden figure there are as many bucks poached as legally harvested.

The tribe has caught on and kill most anything near a road starting in August.

And of course wolves and lions.

I see quite a few bucks from both HD's every year. The past 8 years or so definitely the larger bucks are coming out of 261. The tribe tends to stay away from the private. 270 seems to get more attention, IMO, because of the public land.

I have hunted 270 since 1972 and spend about 30-40 days a fall there. It's where I hunt elk so it makes sense to hunt deer there.

It's still a great tag and should be fun for anyone with a permit and ambition.

Lots of 190 deer were present then. Still arguably the best deer unit in the state IMO
What tjones said is spot on. Also, I think that some people can't control themselves when seeing a good muley buck. The two units discussed have grown big deer. The bucks became pretty visible. With that came the poaching, and all the rest. I know the work that went into getting these areas where they are/were. I too have hunted the Root for a long time. The units are still producing big deer, but it kills me to see the ones that don't play by the rules. Good luck to all you guys. mtmuley
There are lots of reason for the 270 buck decline. The age of fires being the least. Vore, when he was our bio raised permits to 125 for a couple years. Not good.

Poaching is crazy in both 261 and 270, but because of the large amount of public land in 270 it seems more prevalent. The warden figure there are as many bucks poached as legally harvested.

The tribe has caught on and kill most anything near a road starting in August.

And of course wolves and lions.

I see quite a few bucks from both HD's every year. The past 8 years or so definitely the larger bucks are coming out of 261. The tribe tends to stay away from the private. 270 seems to get more attention, IMO, because of the public land.

I have hunted 270 since 1972 and spend about 30-40 days a fall there. It's where I hunt elk so it makes sense to hunt deer there.

It's still a great tag and should be fun for anyone with a permit and ambition.


"A lot" may be subjective unless u consider how many 190 deer were shot in the rest of the state outside of 270 between 2003 and 2007 vs how many were shot in 270 off 45 tags in the same time frame.
If anyone wants pictures of that buck's sheds they should pm me.
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Hows it going on your tag Cabinet? Update??!!

My guy filled his tag this weekend and it is a pig!

Doubt anyone would say the unit is going downhill after they see this buck. Maybe numbers but the quality is there.

You gotta believe...
That dang tjones hunting in 270 again! Between him and rjones they seem to draw a lions share of the tags down there. What is rjones on now something like his 7th moose tag in Montana! That lucky sob! 39 years for moose and sheep now without me having drawn once!

That dang tjones hunting in 270 again! Between him and rjones they seem to draw a lions share of the tags down there. What is rjones on now something like his 7th moose tag in Montana! That lucky sob! 39 years for moose and sheep now without me having drawn once!


Hey now Dave, it took me 19 years to draw the 270 permit. :)

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