Montana 2025 Legislative Session

Love it or hate it, representatives have to work with each other through the entire session. There’s a multitude of bills and at times they will be united in support or opposition and at times they’ll find themselves on different sides of supporting or opposing certain bills. They’re colleagues and if one party or the other gets a reputation for revealing conversations about the process then his colleagues are probably not going to view him or her as someone they can trust to not use their conversations against them for personal advantage.
Best response. Great method to share so we understand the setting vs demean a legitimate query.
Love it or hate it, representatives have to work with each other through the entire session. There’s a multitude of bills and at times they will be united in support or opposition and at times they’ll find themselves on different sides of supporting or opposing certain bills. They’re colleagues and if one party or the other gets a reputation for revealing conversations about the process then his colleagues are probably not going to view him or her as someone they can trust to not use their conversations against them for personal advantage.
Too often it ends up as “I supported that bad bill so he would support my bad bill.” The lack of transparency is a large part of what fuels the skepticism. On the positive, it is good to see compromise still exists, even if no one has a D next to their name.
The Legislature has a new website this session. Included in this is a new way to send messages. You have to create an account but it's super easy & then you can send messages to the entire committee, register to comment remotely and submit documents if you have any. Please consider being a part of the the process and help advocate for wildlife:

Montana Resident only deal I assume?
The hearing for HB 139 has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 14th at 3 pm.

Please send your comments to the whole committee and ask them to vote no on taking your right to set seasons away.

The bill limits the voice of hunters in we don't need that especially when we're dealing with population crashes & a bill that would continue the downward trend in eastern Montana.

You can also sign up to testify against the bill via zoom, or you can show up in Helena on Tuesday, January 14th at 3pm in room 172.
tomorrow will be a big day for the future of Montanas hunting. If it matters to you be present
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Has anyone figured out how to listen in on these meetings remotely? I'm still trying to navigate the new website.
Has anyone figured out how to listen in on these meetings remotely? I'm still trying to navigate the new website.

You'll have to scroll to the correct committee, I couldn't link directly.

It took me a while to find the streaming and recording links too, they're hidden behind a little icon floating on the middle of the left side.

Edit. This might be the direct link.
The hearing for HB 139 has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 14th at 3 pm.

Please send your comments to the whole committee and ask them to vote no on taking your right to set seasons away.

The bill limits the voice of hunters in we don't need that especially when we're dealing with population crashes & a bill that would continue the downward trend in eastern Montana.

You can also sign up to testify against the bill via zoom, or you can show up in Helena on Tuesday, January 14th at 3pm in room 172.
Just a reminder that if you plan to testify remotely via zoom, you need to sign up before midnight.
The hearing for HB 139 has been scheduled for Tuesday, January 14th at 3 pm.

Please send your comments to the whole committee and ask them to vote no on taking your right to set seasons away.

The bill limits the voice of hunters in we don't need that especially when we're dealing with population crashes & a bill that would continue the downward trend in eastern Montana.

You can also sign up to testify against the bill via zoom, or you can show up in Helena on Tuesday, January 14th at 3pm in room 172.
This was my focus point to share a comment in opposition.
Season (re)structuring and our voice is essential.
I dislike the intent to reduce the public's voice. We need to continue our vocal support for season restructuring to aid our biologists and professionals involved.
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