Montana 2025 Legislative Session

Do you ever wonder why virtually every le mule deer area in MT gets worse with time?
I mean 90s 2000s pressure nothing compared to today. Quatas set. Today everyone looking to kill a hog. Evident by the demand of private hunts.
Unfortunately, until the State grows a pair (which they never will) we will continue down the path we are on, until there is nothing left to fight over.
Sadly Hinkle and other legislators seem to think they know enough bar stool biology to manage better than FWP. Dangerous territory for our wildlife resource. Past sessions are responsible for all the non resident give aways like "come home to hunt" licenses that FWP then has no ability to limit non residents. You get what you vote for...
The come home to hunt and the other stupid “extra licenses “ that were created don’t make a drop in the bucket. I was all for doing away with them, til I found out (if memory serves me) there are less than 500 of the foo-foo licenses subscribed annually.
The come home to hunt and the other stupid “extra licenses “ that were created don’t make a drop in the bucket. I was all for doing away with them, til I found out (if memory serves me) there are less than 500 of the foo-foo licenses subscribed annually.
I was shocked how little it actually was when we talked about it. You are right that’s about all it is though is a drop in the bucket
The come home to hunt and the other stupid “extra licenses “ that were created don’t make a drop in the bucket. I was all for doing away with them, til I found out (if memory serves me) there are less than 500 of the foo-foo licenses subscribed annually.
Better to do something about it now - before it becomes a legitimate revenue stream.

That or take them out of the 17k licences.
AI hasn’t been paying attention to the actions of the current commission. They haven’t done much to show they care about improving the quality of the hunting experience on public land. As long as the commission is dictating permit numbers, limited entry isn’t fixing anything.
The commission acts
On biologists request for permit numbers issued.

Case in point: area 652, biologist requested 400 buck tags for this tiny area, commission granted only 200. There are not 200 deer in 652, let alone 200 buck deer.

I asked commission “how can you do this”. Answer, “ Commission is forced to go with best science”, means trend area count, performed by the biologist. Some of you still want to use FWP “science/biology”?
Eric albus your the pretend dictator. What envision do u have for mt mule deer
The come home to hunt and the other stupid “extra licenses “ that were created don’t make a drop in the bucket. I was all for doing away with them, til I found out (if memory serves me) there are less than 500 of the foo-foo licenses subscribed annually.
Between Come Home to Hunt and Relative of Resident, there were 1859 licenses sold in 2023. 1156 of those were big game combo, so they were hunting both deer and elk. That isn’t counting the college student discount.


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