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Monster Muley guys too tightly wound?

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I know a lot of us on Hunt Talk post on other sites. I really enjoy this site, as people can take a joke. Guys here are good at dishing it out and they can take it when it is delivered.

There are some good guys over at Monster Muley, but when I do raise someone's hackles (very seldom), it is always one of the "know it alls" over on MM.

Am I the only guy who seems to get folks too worked up over on MM? I know Schmalts had 'em pretty worked up last week about his AZ antelope tag.

Or, is it just that there are too many experts on MM that are too full of themselves?

Or, maybe I am just an asshole? We already know the answer to that.

Here is a link to a MM guy (Gemstakejake) who thinks he needs to be enshrined in the Hunting Hall of Fame. I wish we could get him over here and help him wth his sense of humor, and maybe some humility. He is from ID, so maybe Moosie can extend an invitation.

Hope you guys are having a good weekend. Tax season at my house, followed by fishing season, then hunting season, then tax season, then .......
I think I took it easy on him :

Other guys may Pu$$Y foot around but after reading your post I truely know you're a Dumb A$$.

I keep going back to one comment :

" I can't reason with someone who would claim otherwise."

That tells me if no one sees it your way then you don't want to talk to them. True words of a Know it all BRAGGART.

You post all this about lost hunting opportunity. HAHA, what a joke. Maybe you need to read a few words in Webster "PAL". MAybe you don't really know how to say what you mean "BUB".

It's funny how guys like you try to make a point, and even if it's a 1/2 way good one loose all comunication because one of your feet is trying to kick someone while the other ones in your Mouth.

He better not get me warmed up though :)
OK.. OK ... I had to post again... It's Friday Night at Midnight and I was a little Firey in the Fingers so I followed up :

I was heading out on my 4-wheeler sipping a Cafe Late' and my 400# BigBoy overalls and I realised the wether was 65 degrees so since I'm a fair weathered hunter I decided to roll myself back in and read more for the all knowing DipChit.

2 things Fish and game ask when they set dates and involve the public. 1 is opportunity, and the other is Quality. I was looking back at your post trying to think when you lost my intrest. I decided it was in your first line. You said :

"Looks like nevada is gonna cut opportunity in half for many mule deer hunts this fall. Turn one hunt into to by chopping the season dates in half.:

Opportunity means more hunters or more chances of hunting. Look it up CHIEF. In order for hunting to continue you need both opportunity AND quality units. Please git yer-delf sum lernin' in before posting yer Jibberis to us Non huntin' Rednecks.

Bragging ? 16 days hunting ? Please, I take Craps longer then 16 days. If you wanted to post your pictures of a lucky hunt again you should have done it, more people would have responded instead of thinking what a tard you are.

Carey on Pimp Daddy of the Big Buck 16 day hunt :) HAHA !!

.... OK, I promise I won't go back and steal your thunder Big FIN, he's all yours..... ;)
OK..... He replied so I had one last one... My guess is it will be gone by mornin'. Them Mods have me on alert for some reason and 6 of them re usually waiting for me when I post. I swear I was behaving..... I wish you were up BigFIN, I would have stopped... but Dang it, I needed one more before I went to bed :) HAH !!!! haha !!!

Sweel up ? Well I'llll Be. I'm the King of Flexing my Cyber muscles. Welcome to the Gun show. Usually to those that think they are the King PIN of the hunting world and piss on everyone elses idea's. You must be a Utard.

You say you're done ? Done what ?!?! You said cutting a season in 1/2 is Dumb. Then said it kills opportunities. Then said if others can't see that they are dumb. But never came out with ANY biological data, no Harvest Research, no Links to Articles to support, and not even a Youtube video, which is were you sound like you get your Idea's from.

Puffing out my chest ? I was going to but it looks like the room is already full. Go back and read your post "PAL", and see where the issue started. It's PEBCAC at your end.

"Just figured more guys would see it my way."

Figured ???? Figured wrong I guess, just like you figured wrong cutting a season will limit Opportunities. We understood what you posted, Like we understand some men are homose{}uals. We just know both to be wrong and you to be both.....

You must be new around these parts. Next time you walk into the Saloon try taking off yer hat and kicking the mud off your boots intead of Spewing it out yer mouth ...SON !!


People, they thin' I don't know a Buttload of Crap About the Gosple, but I do. (Nacho Libre)
So much to say...... So little to battle against.

He says he's done... but I got dollars to donuts he posts again tonight :)

(Talking to myself)... MAN, I feel like CJCJ or Wahington hunter posting to themselfs and ansering themselves. ;)
WOW...... He ,uhhhhhh, just threatened me. Thats the 2nd time someone from Monster Mulies has threatened me and they both live in the same town I do. The first guy actually called my house and left a message wanting to kick my ass. This guy seems upset too. Even sent me his phone number.

If only Buzz was up ;)

Now this got me wondering, Was he kidding or REALLY mad. the names he called me would make a Sailor blush and I don't think he REALLY wants me dead, but I'm beginning to wonder. Might be a good "new" post :D
Moosie- Who is Chip and why does everyone think your toting him around on your shoulder? Is it part of your fall hunting training regiment?
Big Fin, I saw nothing confrontational in your posts but logic, cordially presented, just pisses some people off & then it's all you can eat at the ego buffet.

I sit here trying to wipe the milk off my monitor/keyboard and now have Cheerios in my sinuses. Laughing that hard and unexpectedly will project milk through your nostrils and all over whatever is in front of you. That wipes up, but how do I get these Cheerios out of my nose?

That is some of the funniest stuff I have ever read on a site. I knew you were good Moosie, but you must save your best for Friday nights.

I think we need to start a "Best Post" contest, kind of like the picture contests. If so, Moosie wins this month, in a landslide.

Damn Moosie, looks like I went to bed too early. Had I known you were going to go over to MM and post, I might have stayed up, but had I known you were going to give it such a good effort, I definitely would have hung around.

I wish I had been awake to join in, but Mrs. Fin had a birthday, so I figured going to bed when she did would pay dividends.

So, is this an official Moosie Invite for Mr. Jake? Doesn't sound like he took to kindly to the way you presented your invite.

I am still lauging. Wonder if the guy will gain a little humility now?

Let this be a warning to anyone who wants to brag on Friday nights over on the MM board.

Fuggin Hilarious!
This guy seems upset too. Even sent me his phone number.

did you call him?

pm me his number, I'll call him and say Im you.........dont worry, I'll smooth things over. ;)
You're right Big Fin. Definitely hazardous to your health while eating breakfast. ha ha I personally look to MM for the pictures/stories and information but the egos and crap are too much for me. That's why I enjoy this site (good people that can take a joke and are not too into themselves). Moosie, let us know how it goes. I'll be in Boise Monday, maybe we should all go pay him a visit. he he
That guy is dumb as a rock. You never know what you are dealing with on the other end of a wire. My old man always told me never to screw with a man that has nothing to lose because that will be the one that kills you. Your buddy there has obviously never had to deal with that guy but some of us have and it is not pretty.
HAHA.... After talking to him this mornin, Oh yah, he called. He seems liek a Good egg. Most people are.... Well, Except the Ohio Cook that used to post here, I think he was missing more then a few cards. ;)

YAh, It's been awhile since I've been to Monster Mulies and running on not enough sleep. Sleep depridation usually brings out the Best Moosie posts ;) That dang incouragement doesn't help ewither... Although last night i was only encouraging myself... Kind of like being in the shower all alone and ... Well thats another story :p

Seriously though, I'm back to being boring Moosie ... ;) Untill the next time.

OHHH PS, I invited him to visit I figured more Idahoins and less of those Sheep loving Montana Boys and them Utards we can make this place respectable :D :D :D BUUUAhahahahha.
I'll be in Boise Monday, maybe we should all go pay him a visit. he he

Well, I'm not much of a Fighter, But I do looooove to eat and talk Hunting. You want to get Lunch or something ? PS< I'm not hitting on you either, You're buying :D :D
"OHHH PS, I invited him to visit"

Nice going Oscar, I was trying to discourage him from ever setting foot in Nevada again and you have to go and gargle his sack!

Did you see that fricken toad he killed last year?
Maybe he'll post pictures here, the story was cool too, backpacked into the wilderness area and spiked out.

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