Monster Muley guys too tightly wound?

Or, is it just that there are too many experts on MM that are too full of themselves?


That sums it up. I still remember the beating i took for posting my method of skinning a deer with a tractor. how is it unethicle and disrespectful because i made the job of butchering the deer faster???? Lots of dorks over there.
That is why this site rules, except for the far left idiots
schmalts, I'll always remember you, MD4me and a couple other novices giving me a lot of chit when I mentioned I could gut, skin and butcher a deer in less than an hour. Then I explained how the skinning part took only five minutes using a vehicle or a winch and ever since then you've been bragging about YOUR method :rolleyes:
my method of skinning a deer with a tractor
You never knew it could be done 'til I described it here on Hunt Talk. Now you're a big hero in your own mind 'cuz you know how. :D And now I find out you're explaining how to do it at MM!:rolleyes:
:D schmalts is quoting like cjcj :D

Hey guys, before you both start running around pissing on trees, this is a little like Uncle Al and the internet....I think "your (collective)" method has been around for awhile and was really no great secret:

Montana buck circa 1994-







Marv, You're right about it being around a long time. I learned it in the '60s. Hide buyers recommend it because the hides are in better shape when this method is used. They call hides that are skinned with a knife "hunter hides" because they are full of cuts and knicks that make them worth less to the tanneries that buy them, mostly for gloves. Whitetail hides are prized by European glove manufacturers. I have a friend who used to buy around 100,000 whitetail hides a year and sell them in Europe (that's who I learned it from). He was one of the largest fur buyers in the Eastern US. He also bought about 200,000 coon skins a year.
Yep Ith we've used it with (dreaded word here) quads and have zipped the hides off a half dozen deer (doe hunt) in a matter of minutes. I still break out the knife about 80% of the time though instead...find it to be relaxing and kind of a mind douche!

I just was thinking back on that hunt in the pic and remembering how fuggin cold it was sleeping in the back of that pickup (see the pad up on the plywood in the back) Heron, MT can be a bitter bitch in the winter :eek:
We used an old hand operated boat trailer winch mounted on the inside wall of the barn long before ATVs were invented.

Oh yea, Ithaca is a legend. He invented the skinning method, and the redneck cube steak. he takes a tough cut of meat, lays it in front of his rear tire and has one of his "cousins" stand behind the truck with a sheet of freezer paper to catch the meat as he does a hole shot. Problem is he hasn't figured out not to do this on a gravel driveway.:eek:
schmalts, I never claimed to invent that skinning method. ( Read post # 25) Been using it since the 60s, though, when I learned it from my friend the fur buyer. I'm sure you've found it handy and I'm glad to have told you about it. Don't bother thanking me, just being able to help a novice deer hunter is gratifying enough.:)
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