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We were in the mid-40's this morning, cloudless sky. A few passing storms, a bit of rain (of course when I was out in the garden), but tomorrow seems like it will be dry. Is good, just got a canvas spike tent from a friend who had let it get wet yesterday, so I can try and pitch it and get it washed off and dried. After I finish the brake job. And the oil changes, and mowing, and ......

And I will buy the second round of coffee, and maybe that extra slice of pie. Figure that after my surgery I am going to take advantage of not being able to fly for a few weeks and do some road tripping, so watch out!

Dud season. Some moisture streaming in from Pacific today, doubt it will rain.
75 and 46 night temps.
Fall colors all over.
Elk are still quiet. Very odd.
Unpredicted storms yesterday, a few minutes of that torrential rain/hail thing we get in the mountains, followed by more gentle stuff for about half an hour.
Report from my boss that "guided" his wife's bow hunt local to here was that it was no-bueno, elk are scattered and not allowing themselves to be in bow range.
Drying out a bit, I'll get my next rain as I go intersect with that tropical storm on the east coast come Monday.

Gloomy cloudy today (though in Oregon we'd have considered it a glorious day), spits of rain. Am thinking that even without real rain, the clouds help slow evaporation and the plants like it. Cool, humid - temps under 80 the past week. I believe Autumn has arrived, both per the sun and per the weatherman.

Gloomy cloudy today (though in Oregon we'd have considered it a glorious day), spits of rain. Am thinking that even without real rain, the clouds help slow evaporation and the plants like it. Cool, humid - temps under 80 the past week. I believe Autumn has arrived, both per the sun and per the weatherman.

Fall, for sure.
Mid to high 70's, low 40's in morning. 39 this morning here.
High clouds, no rain.
Good outdoors working weather. Warm up and cool off with the breeze.

Nice little fire going in stove. Rio next to me under a bankie.
No elks talking.
Last monsoon rain this weekend they say over parts of NM. Not here most likely.
Warm and dry. Breezy/Windy.
Phsycadickle, as dad would have said. The fall colors just here on the high plains.
Incredible moon. Harvest moon.
Bull bugled all night down at the big tank. A few times out front a few hundred yards.
Not many cows about. Odd.
Rio split a claw digging at a prairie dog hole yesterday and is chewing at it, ouch.
He has never let me hold on to his feet. Except to extract a thorn.
Aspen turning. Plums fall colors. Plums eaten. Waiting for the apples to ripen more.
Leaf cutter bees going to work on the locust leaves.
We are expecting some rain tomorrow, which will be par for the course since we are doing a BBQ thing at our local beer co-op. Then, unless the gubmint shuts down and waits to reopen, I will likely be on the road for all be three or four days for the rest of October.

PEAX Trekking Poles

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