Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System


Windy, clouds, but no rain hitting the dirt today. The next week looks dry, but maybe them weather forecasters are wrong...

We got some nice cooling showers from 3pm til sunset, a big orange cloud sunset.
Barely enough to wet round ,but brought out the good smells.
Heard some cows last night.

Warming up again and clear skies mostly this week. 80's to 90's.
Temps will start dropping to 40's at night later on in the week.
It's fall.
My buddy called from WI yesterday, he had been at bear camp. 104 on the porch, 40 miles from Lake Superior. WOW!

Weather gal just showed a hurricane off Baja heading NW and a chance of the moisture hitting here by the weekend.
Great late season wildflowers peaking now. Goldfinches are on the sunflowers heavy.
Elk dead quiet in this heat.
Rain showers this morning.
Been in the high 80's all week.
Heavy rain in forecast for Mon./Tues...
Maybe for the next 2 weeks.
It's fall.

Heard a bugle when I let Rio out at 0330. He barked. A=hole...
He's fast asleep this morning now that he is on couch next to me.
Hope he does not do the I gotta go every 2 hours when we're in the motel the next 2 nights.
Eye surgery 0630 Mon.

Billy is out there looking for a bull.
Perfect fall hunting weather. Now.
The Mississippi back waters look pretty pathetic also.
612' at Lynxville. That's about 5' lower than normal for this time of year and 5' is a lot of water gone out of those back waters. I can think of a lot of duck spots that would be bone dry down that 5'.

Launched south of gutterburg 2 weeks ago. Couldn't hit many of my planned backwaters, even porting over some wing dam walls wouldve been a treat.

That was after nixing a yellow river trip in lieu of water levels and temps. The mighty miss was quite low.

Hoping these storms of late add some water for the fall run up.

This wing wall is usually 2' -3' under, on the river side it's about 2' above 20230826_110933.jpg

There is usually a cut through here.

Still caught a few bass, sauger, and a couple bluegill. The crik boat may get wheels before I toss the 25hp back on (7.5 on it currently), Lund has been sitting all year in storage, and so far, looks like it'll continue to act more like a shelving unit than boat.
Launched south of gutterburg 2 weeks ago. Couldn't hit many of my planned backwaters, even porting over some wing dam walls wouldve been a treat.

That was after nixing a yellow river trip in lieu of water levels and temps. The mighty miss was quite low.

Hoping these storms of late add some water for the fall run up.

This wing wall is usually 2' -3' under, on the river side it's about 2' above View attachment 291690

There is usually a cut through here.
View attachment 291689

Still caught a few bass, sauger, and a couple bluegill. The crik boat may get wheels before I toss the 25hp back on (7.5 on it currently), Lund has been sitting all year in storage, and so far, looks like it'll continue to act more like a shelving unit than boat.

That looks terrible.
That looks terrible.
Screenshot_20230910_093328_Gaia GPS.jpg

The lowest way point, to its NW is the picture of land. Channel behind me from the photo. Orange route was all I could do in a boat circling the backside. Anything around the backside track, except the slough, I could walk without getting muddy or wet (the picture basically was the whole terrain).
Showers yesterday in Alb. with spectacular sunset with Mt. Taylor in view........in focus.
Been out with Rio this morning in the rain. We both have guts churning to get home. LOL

I can read the screen and read the cover of the book Ben gave me. Without readers. The readers make it perfect still.
Been over to get coffee since I can't drink whats in the room. Pissed Rio off I left him for a minute.
Getting light out and city noises.
80-90% chance today across NM.
Hit the truck specialty shop 1st since post op is at ten.

Raining steady now.
Rained all night,heavy at times.
50,cool weather for a change.

I ran into Billy's mom & grandma at the store getting pizza for Rio & I.
Big hugs and ?'s, "How are you?" back & forth.
She's beating the cancer,in remission, and has home dialosis now.
I told her she looks hotter than Jamie Lee and that got another hug.

Don't know what Ben saw...I can see I look like a effing old guy with a red eye. Blotchy skin.
But I can see. Excellent even.
I can move around well.
Should be no problemo shooting.

The cliffs of Acoma on the drive were spectacular. Full technicolor in the rains.
I could even see elk feeding from the road, back in the trees as I drove past.
1.7" in last 24 hours on the south side of the Gila and still coming down. Highest one day total since August 2022. Still far below our long term monsoonal season average this year but we'll take it.
1.7" in last 24 hours on the south side of the Gila and still coming down. Highest one day total since August 2022. Still far below our long term monsoonal season average this year but we'll take it.
.54" here. I'll take it.
Home again. Nice showers all afternoon.

20/20 vision.
Trippy. Technicolor. Game changer.
Left eye the 31st.
Rio is sawing logs next to me.

Life is good.
Really glad it worked for you! My near vision isn't as good as I had hoped, but to pick out hummingbirds in the top of trees is a joy! I have some focus issues with my sights when shooting my handgun (had to re-qual on Sunday), but I think I can manage to work it out since the front sight is further away and the one that counts!

So very happy for you that the new eyeball turned out good!

Really glad it worked for you! My near vision isn't as good as I had hoped, but to pick out hummingbirds in the top of trees is a joy! I have some focus issues with my sights when shooting my handgun (had to re-qual on Sunday), but I think I can manage to work it out since the front sight is further away and the one that counts!

So very happy for you that the new eyeball turned out good!

I have you David, to thank for getting me set in the right direction.

Back to my dominant eye again.
Watching the goldfinches in the sunflowers again is amazing. Fall wildflowers in full bloom.
Using my 1.75 readers in close. Perfect vision.
Ease any strain. Not overdoing it ,yet.
Popped off 4 into a fence post to check the pistol eye. Good.

Rain this evening. Cooling off. 44 this morning.

Billy heard one bull this morning, but did not fill the tag.
The MT bros will be here for the 7th opening. Should be fun.

My hunt is Nov. 8th.
Making bacon to free up freezer space.
I have you David, to thank for getting me set in the right direction.

Back to my dominant eye again.
Watching the goldfinches in the sunflowers again is amazing. Fall wildflowers in full bloom.
Using my 1.75 readers in close. Perfect vision.
Ease any strain. Not overdoing it ,yet.
Popped off 4 into a fence post to check the pistol eye. Good.

Rain this evening. Cooling off. 44 this morning.

Billy heard one bull this morning, but did not fill the tag.
The MT bros will be here for the 7th opening. Should be fun.

My hunt is Nov. 8th.
Making bacon to free up freezer space.
Like I said earlier, I think we have to meet in Pie Town or someplace once my shoulder is fixed (likely while still off travel after the surgery) and have you regale me with tales of the Gila while having pie and coffee. Or something similar, someplace similar.

You start your hunt on my surgery day. Hope it is successful - we did not draw this year (I guess a good thing after all), so are looking to do guided hunts next year so we can hopefully get my Bride her bull before we move from NM (post retirement).

Rain here is intermittent - was in Philadelphia earlier in the week so could not get a handle on what we had here, but the arroyos were wet. Supposed to stop after today, which is fine since I need to do a brake job on my Ford on Saturday.

Like I said earlier, I think we have to meet in Pie Town or someplace once my shoulder is fixed (likely while still off travel after the surgery) and have you regale me with tales of the Gila while having pie and coffee. Or something similar, someplace similar.

You start your hunt on my surgery day. Hope it is successful - we did not draw this year (I guess a good thing after all), so are looking to do guided hunts next year so we can hopefully get my Bride her bull before we move from NM (post retirement).

Rain here is intermittent - was in Philadelphia earlier in the week so could not get a handle on what we had here, but the arroyos were wet. Supposed to stop after today, which is fine since I need to do a brake job on my Ford on Saturday.

At the very least I owe you some pie and a cuppa.

Same here ,random showers. Enough to green up the gramma grass.
1st fire this morning, burning papers and scraps.

No Paper plates were burned during this post!!
At the very least I owe you some pie and a cuppa.

Same here ,random showers. Enough to green up the gramma grass.
1st fire this morning, burning papers and scraps.

No Paper plates were burned during this post!!
We were in the mid-40's this morning, cloudless sky. A few passing storms, a bit of rain (of course when I was out in the garden), but tomorrow seems like it will be dry. Is good, just got a canvas spike tent from a friend who had let it get wet yesterday, so I can try and pitch it and get it washed off and dried. After I finish the brake job. And the oil changes, and mowing, and ......

And I will buy the second round of coffee, and maybe that extra slice of pie. Figure that after my surgery I am going to take advantage of not being able to fly for a few weeks and do some road tripping, so watch out!

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