MOGA - FWP "public" meeting?

Ben wouldn't you be considered "Press" if you showed up and asked to be let into the meeting? Take me along and give me a Camera and I'll be the photographer. Lets go! I could hit it up on my lunch for an hour.
By now, all the personal from the Department across the state knows about this. They didn't, but now they do. The cats out the bag. The rags off the bush, The snake crawled out his hole. The Kull got thrown out. The Cockroach got caught in the light. The Zit busted. The Cork blew off the bottle. Next week, shit should hit the fan,:mad::mad::D
I would be interested in an FWP response -- wouldn't we all -- but I imagine the agency might point out that if there was not a quorum of commissioners the open meeting law might not apply. They might say that if they wanted to discuss an archery related issue they might call in bowhunters. But in the interest of openness and transparency, and given that whatever MOGA is up to usually impacts all of us, I think there should be somebody there to file an objective report. I bet the news media was not alerted to this before this forum discussion began. Smells like a deal...

As a life long sportsmen in Montana, I too would like to know who is looking out for the average Montana Resident Sportsmen if it isn't MSA and MWF. I spent a lot of time at the legislature fighting for our rights. MSA and MWF folks were the only ones I saw consistently.
Fin should have gone to the meeting-I would have loaned him my 10 gal hat and pointey boots and he could go by college and borrowed the janitors ring of keys. He could have walked right in and no one would have noticed ;)
I'm reading this early today. I should've waited until this evening when I could put my feet up, crack open a beer, and really enjoyed this thread! LOL Can't wait to hear what the snakes in the grass are plotting against all of us sportsmen and women!
What hunting group represents the 200,000 Montana Sportsmen/women? The MWF? MSA? These guys only represent a very small minority of Montana Sportsmen/women! They certainly don’t represent my interest or anyone I know. These groups are destroying our hunting!

Would you happen to be the same "billy banger" that posts on the billings gazette? God help us if it is
I do know some of the attendees of the meeting. The whole thing was a sit down and put a name w/ a face.... Nothing over a few issues that are rather unpleasant, like bison being moved into Eastern Mt.

Eric Albus, landowner/sportsman/outfitter
Landowner tag system? No, I can tell you 100% that was not even brought up. However, it is working in other states...but do not know if we need it here, yet.
However, it is working in other states...but do not know if we need it here, yet.

Ya right, laffin!

I will promise you a down and dirty fight over this one, should it come to that.
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