A guy goes into a tavern, sits down orders a drink. After a few hours of this. The man orders one more, then immedeatly puts his hand to his ear. The bar tender pipes up. I can't serve you any more. Your talking to yourself. The man quickly explains that he uses his cell phone so much that he had one implanted into his hand. Well after proving this claim to the bartender, he gets another drink. A few minutes later the man runs off towards the head. A long time passes before the bartender starts to become concerned. By now all of his other patrons have left. The bartender goes into the bathroom, and there is the man standing. One hand against the wall, his pants down around his ankles and a role of toilet paper on the floor with one end stuffed into his butt. The bartender in concern asks the man if he is alright. The man replies. "Yes, just waiting for a fax".