Missouri Deer Farmers

Of course it's hypocrisy but when has that ever stopped legislative special interest lobbying?

Any wagers on how long RH will troll before Fin locks the thread?

..on what basis?
. . .Ok, I'm out of popcorn. . wow. I'm no fan of any high fence operations where you pay huge dollars to sit in an enclosure to kill something (anything), but, to each their own. I just hope they never allow these animals to be put into the record books. I also agree, they have to decide what they are. . a farm or a ?. Greed is the bottom line in most of this anyway. Just my 2 cents. Carry on. . .
You sure know a lot about what the guys of Montana supposedly know. Never saw a single post where guys from Montana said we don't have game farms.

Obviously, Pointer was correct in his comments about your reading comprehension. This thread was about the hypocrisy of the deer breeding industry wanting to be considered hunting when it was to their benefit and at other times be considered game farms when to their benefit. It had nothing to do with pheasant preserves.

No one from Montana is telling Missouri what to do. Again, your lack of understanding of the purpose of this thread makes me lean toward believing the comments of your reading comprehension. I don't care what Missouri does. I don't care what MI, MS, MN or any state does.

What I found ironic is the the blowhards in the pen shooting industry calling out B&C and P&Y over the last few months because those groups have made statements that they will not recognize shooting pens as hunting, yet in the next breath, these same deer breeders go pandering to their politicians asking for protection under agriculture and animal husbandry rules when such rules are to their benefit.

That's a bunch of hypocrisy and very common for that industry and their paid mouthpieces. This instance painted the contrast as clear as I have seen it in some time, so that is why it got posted.

Feel free to start a thread about pheasant preserves, buffalo shoots, or anything else. None of this was started based on the supposed "ethics" of any manner of hunting, rather started based on the two-faced flip-flopping of an industry that is too spineless to protect the public from the substantial risk it imposes.

They want the welfare benefits of privatizing the profits and socializing the costs/risks they impose on public resources. And to accomplish that, they are going to the legislature to accomplish it. Then, in their next hypocritical breath, they will talk about property rights and free enterprise, knowing damn well the science points to them being a very high risk for disease to wildlife and genetic pollution of natural stocks.

And none of this is endemic to Missouri. It is a pattern repeated in every state where the captive breeding of ungulates occurs.

So your OP starts with you being upset that Missouri game farms are trying to get classified as farms and governed by the AG department but at the same time you have no idea who is in charge of the game farms in your own state. And you call me uninformed. You are obviously more concerned with what Missouri game farms are doing than the ones in your own state do. I still can't find any threads where you discuss the game farms in Montana and how they are governed. I tried looking but could not find any. Link?

I also find it funny how folks like yourself do not like it when people form other states bring their ideas to Montana but you sure like to let other states like Missouri know how they should do things. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Then after you insult my reading comprehension you claim that you dont' care what Missouri does, you don't care what any other state does, and you don't care if people shoot penned animals. But you are concerned with these people in Missouri getting their name in the record book. That is what you are concerned with, a name in a record book. That makes no sense. Talk about missing the point. You overlook the real issue that matters for wild animals and get yourself all worked up about a name in a meaningless book.

Then to top it off you claim this whole thing is about "an industry that is too spineless to protect the public from the substantial risk it imposes" What F-ing risk does putting a name in a record book pose? None. Zero. There is where your whole point falls apart. You claim not to care about what goes on in Missouri and claim not to care about people shooting penned animals then pretend that you are trying to stop and industry and protect the public from the risks it poses which makes absolutely no sense compared to your original point of only having a problem with people putting a name in a record book and not caring if people shoot penned animals and not caring what any other states do. Flip Flop.

Deep down you know the real issue with game farms is the risk this activity poses to wild animals, not a name in a record book as you claim, but you dont' want to discuss that since the game farms in Montana pose the same risks to wild animals that game farms in other states do. When that is brought up you change the subject to being concerned about a name in a record book which is all but meaningless in the big picture of disease transmission to other wildlife. But that does not stop you from flip flopping on the subject going back and forth.

You can't single out one game farm and pretend that it does not matter compared to other game farms. Game farms all have the same goal. To breed captive animals to be used for shooting/hunting/meat production, etc... To single out just deer game farms and act like elk, buffalo, pheasant, etc farms aren't' the same industry and same set of problems makes no sense and just makes you look biased.
Buzz, Still waiting on you to back up your statements. You are man enough o make them no be man enough to back them up. I'm real curious what specific archery technology items you think Montana has failed to get in front of that cause the decrease opportunities. Sounds to me like you think bowhunters should only be allowed to use a recurve while you go gun hunting with all the latest technology so you can shoot 500+ yards.

How do you justify not calling a high fence buffalo farming/hunting operation in Wyoming a game farm?

What items are you talking about that Montana did not get in front of that are causing the decreased opportunities?[/QUOTE]
RH, are you married?

If you are your wife must be the most understanding individual in the world.

I know both Big Fin, and Buzz. If you asked them why they don't like game farms they would say the same thing your spouting off about, and a long list of other undesirable effects.

You need to figure out how to communicate better with people dude.

I know this has been floated around a little, but felt it's timely here.


Quit being so combative and lighten up. Your battle is not with us.

I'm done responding to your posts and questions. You answer no questions yourself and ignore the answers that others provide.

The game farm issue has been discussed from stem to stern, so has the archery issue. The only person having comprehension issues is you.

BigFin laid out a response and you run and hide, then drag up the topic a week later just looking for a fight.

Game over...you arent getting one from me, theres no money in it and you arent worth my time.
So your OP starts with you being upset that Missouri game farms are trying to get classified as farms and governed by the AG department but at the same time you have no idea who is in charge of the game farms in your own state. And you call me uninformed. You are obviously more concerned with what Missouri game farms are doing than the ones in your own state do. I still can't find any threads where you discuss the game farms in Montana and how they are governed. I tried looking but could not find any. Link?

I also find it funny how folks like yourself do not like it when people form other states bring their ideas to Montana but you sure like to let other states like Missouri know how they should do things. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

Then after you insult my reading comprehension you claim that you dont' care what Missouri does, you don't care what any other state does, and you don't care if people shoot penned animals. But you are concerned with these people in Missouri getting their name in the record book. That is what you are concerned with, a name in a record book. That makes no sense. Talk about missing the point. You overlook the real issue that matters for wild animals and get yourself all worked up about a name in a meaningless book.

Then to top it off you claim this whole thing is about "an industry that is too spineless to protect the public from the substantial risk it imposes" What F-ing risk does putting a name in a record book pose? None. Zero. There is where your whole point falls apart. You claim not to care about what goes on in Missouri and claim not to care about people shooting penned animals then pretend that you are trying to stop and industry and protect the public from the risks it poses which makes absolutely no sense compared to your original point of only having a problem with people putting a name in a record book and not caring if people shoot penned animals and not caring what any other states do. Flip Flop.

Deep down you know the real issue with game farms is the risk this activity poses to wild animals, not a name in a record book as you claim, but you dont' want to discuss that since the game farms in Montana pose the same risks to wild animals that game farms in other states do. When that is brought up you change the subject to being concerned about a name in a record book which is all but meaningless in the big picture of disease transmission to other wildlife. But that does not stop you from flip flopping on the subject going back and forth.

You can't single out one game farm and pretend that it does not matter compared to other game farms. Game farms all have the same goal. To breed captive animals to be used for shooting/hunting/meat production, etc... To single out just deer game farms and act like elk, buffalo, pheasant, etc farms aren't' the same industry and same set of problems makes no sense and just makes you look biased.

As I read the bolded parts of your comments, you have now fully convinced me that this is a reading comprhension issue.

Not sure if I need to type slower, but here we go again. The original post was not about hunting ethics, not about record books, rather about an industry that wants it both ways - they want to be considered hunting when it is to their favor, but be considered farming when it is to their favor. That simple. It is about hypocrisy and how this legislative effort illustrates that hypocrisy more than any effort I have seen in a long time.

I brought it up, as over the last six months, the deer breeders have taken groups to task that have positions stating that penned shooting is not hunting. They have sent their hatchet men out to hammer anyone who might feel that penned shooting is not hunting. And now, they want to be treated like breeders/farmers/domestic ag producers.

If you can't see that hypocrisy, then not much I can do to help.

I said nothing about entering names into record books. I have no care if MO guys want to enter their names in record books. I don't care if MN, MI, WI, Ukraine, Mozambique guys want to enter penned animals into some record books.

Doubt you can show me where I stated anything where the issue is about people wanting to enter names in record books and I was opposed to such. Continue ranting about the record book issue all you want. No one else is making this a record book issue.

I fully agree that the issue with game farms is disease risk; and nothing to do with record books. I fully agreed that Montana game farms pose the same risk as Missouri game farms, as do OH game farms, and CO game farms, and Saskatchewan game farms, and ......

And when the MT penned shooters wanted to pull the same "change the governing agency" trick that Missouri breeders are asking for, I was at the legislature trying to do something about it.

This is not about MO versus MT. Breeders everywhere have lobbied for the same thing, including MT. This is one more example of such and just so happens to be one of the best examples I have seem to demonstrate the level of hypocrisy that is associated with these efforts.

Maybe you are from MO and somehow feel you are being singled out. Not that you will go back and read what the original post focused on, and the subsequent comments, but if you did, you will see no connection to my original post and the points you bring up.

Carry on ......

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