Yeti GOBOX Collection

Mississippi Crappie


New member
Dec 14, 2010
SE Missouri
My Grandfather, Brother, and I are heading down to Grenada Lake, MS this weekend. Sardis/Enid/Grenada are easily the best Crappie lakes in the nation. I haven't been down there in last several years, and can hardly wait to find some of those :eek:MONSTER SIZE:eek: fish. It should be a great time with family!
Crappie and most importantly, bluegill fishing is one of the very few things that has me excited about my move back to the midwest. I'm hoping BBSY (Big Bad Spencer Yo, my oldest) wears out a Zebco 33 this spring!
I have a feeling your lunker Mississippi crappie are going to be significantly bigger than what I typically catch in Idaho, consider me jealous.
Sure you will have a blast, I haven't been to grenada for years, but it was a blast then. when the water is up like it is now you should have some awesome fishing.

Have fun for the rest of us stuck up here in the cold.:D
MMMMM Crappies....





That is a mess of crappies! I wish we had fish that size... the ones with the beer can are slabs. That would be an awesome time fishing.
Yeah, it was pretty fantastic. It's not often you catch crappies that a more comparable to small mouth bass than blue gills!
Those are some nice crappies! One of my fav trips of the year is my yearly trip to Minne to fly fish for crappies just as the ice goes out. Tototally off the chart fun for me!

I use a 7' 3 wt and a 9' 5 wt and rip into them pretty good, and from time to time I get into other fish that wanna play (bass,pike,walleye)

Sorry for the slow follow-up. My trip to Mississippi didn't go as well as planned. The weather was constantly changing. One morning, we were digging to find old coats in the boat starage compartments. By the middle of the day, it was 84. That same afternoon, it dropped back to 60 with a North wind at 20 mph. We didn't catch as many, or as large of fish as we'd of liked, but still had fun. This picture is the biggest fish I caught...about 2.5 lbs.
