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Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

Ben Long said in his Outdoor Life blog: "You–and the American people–own Malheur, ever since it was established by Theodore Roosevelt in 1908 and expanded over the century with Duck Stamp dollars."
I want to reiterate his point that the people who paid the most over the years for federal wildlife refuges are waterfowl hunters and others who buy duck stamps. We are the ones with the most skin in the game. The forceful takeover of the headquarters is a direct attack on waterfowl hunters' desires. Get the intruders out and let the biologists and wildlife managers back in to do their job. We will gladly pay for more property to be added to the refuge system. I think most Americans support using my duck stamp money in that manner.

That's an inconvenient truth. The Sovereign citizens calling themselves patriots want idiots to believe the land was "stolen".
Ben Long said in his Outdoor Life blog: "You–and the American people–own Malheur, ever since it was established by Theodore Roosevelt in 1908 and expanded over the century with Duck Stamp dollars."
I want to reiterate his point that the people who paid the most over the years for federal wildlife refuges are waterfowl hunters and others who buy duck stamps. We are the ones with the most skin in the game. The forceful takeover of the headquarters is a direct attack on waterfowl hunters' desires. Get the intruders out and let the biologists and wildlife managers back in to do their job. We will gladly pay for more property to be added to the refuge system. I think most Americans support using my duck stamp money in that manner.

Since I have been dealing with all this DU research, I knew that DU and their dollars had been involved in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, so I watched the feeds, even periodically checking the DU site to see if they had issued any statements with concerns about the take over and actions of the militia, especially recently with the fence cutting to bring cattle in - nothing, not a word. Yet, they took offense on another issue, fired one of their writers and issued statements. I just found it odd that this scenario, which is a solitary threat to this waterfowl refuge, and could spawn more bs across the country, has not elicited any statement for what is at stake on the local level or the national level.

I was thinking the exact same thing...DU, if they were smart, would be using this to gain some credibility back by showing they care about PUBLIC wildlife refuges. Instead, it seems to solidify their position that they don't want to deal with public access or public lands, even those they helped fund.

Quote from rancher who "gave the protestors permission" to tear down the fence they did

"As owner of the ranch that borders the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters, I would like to make it clear that I DO NOT condone nor did I ask for the protesters at the refuge to cut fences to allow my cows access to the refuge. The protesters are quoting a representative who did not have the authority to speak on my behalf.
"I have no grievances with the refuge or the BLM. I have BLM grazing permits that I use each year, and I am a good steward of the land. I am a hay farmer, I DO NOT DEPEND ON THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO RAISE MY CATTLE. I have been in Harney County for four years, in no way do I feel that I am entitled to the refuge for grazing. I was informed of the fence last fall prior to its construction, and it has not nor will it affect my cattle operation."
Tim Puckett, Golden Rule Farms

I still think the Fed's inaction sets a bad presedent for other 'militia' groups to start crap and think they can get away with it without repercussion. How much more does this group have to do before action is taken? They have already breached a Federal database, on top of breaking into a Federal building and blocking access to Federal property. WTF?
I still think the Fed's inaction sets a bad presedent for other 'militia' groups to start crap and think they can get away with it without repercussion. How much more does this group have to do before action is taken? They have already breached a Federal database, on top of breaking into a Federal building and blocking access to Federal property. WTF?

I know, right. I am very concerned that federal inaction and the local laws lack of sufficient resources would allow these folks to crawl back to Nevada completely free of consequence. The Fed should have handled this back in 14 when Bundy and his Klan were aiming rifles at BLM officials. Now they are taking federal buildings. What's next. a full blown attack like in Oklahoma City?

I was speaking more toward the Bundys, but if he said he:

"“claimed to have helped organize militia snipers to target federal agents" in the Bundy standoff. "He told one news organization the federal agents would have been killed had they made the wrong move.”

Thank I hope that disgrace to the uniform ends up in prison for targeting government officials while he was in support of the Bundys.
Oregon Rallies announced:

Federal Plaza
911 NE 11th Ave, Portland

Riverfront Plaza in Downtown Bend
(next to Crow's Feet Commons, 875 NW Brooks St)

Old Federal Building
211 E. 7th Ave, Eugene
Seriously. Are there any regulations against counter-rmilitia? Could have them out in a day or two at worst...

Am I the only one getting frustrated by this??
No, you are not the only frustrated person, but what you mention is crazy and would be two wrongs trying to make a right!!

To keep with the idioms... In this case the end may justify the means. (sarcasm, kind of :rolleyes:)
You guys need to be careful what links you post up. I'm having trouble distinguishing what's reality and what's mockery. :)

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