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Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

Thanks Oak. Now Ben2 and Ben1 are writing for the same blog in Outdoor Life. You can tell the difference in that Ben Lamb gets his facts straight. The other Ben... not so much.

79-Year-Old Bird Watcher Takes Down Oregon Militant With Old High School Wrestling Move

by The Lapine · January 10, 2016


BURNS, OREGON — Grandfather of four Robert Saunders says he was just out to check on some young burrowing owls at the crack of dawn this morning when he was confronted by a “red-faced pudgy man with a big gun”.

And things got physical when Saunders refused the barked orders to halt and identify himself.

But it wasn’t the retired teacher who ended up on the ground.


“Well heck, one second he was warming his hands by this kind of puny little fire and the next second he was running at me and shouting to get down on the ground,” Saunders told reporters gathered near the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

“Made me mad really. It’s public property and here this guy is acting all big and tough and pushy.”

“I don’t swear much at all but I told him to screw right off and that made him really angry. He started yelling right into my face — his breath was…well, pee you…it smelled like beer and maybe salami sausages or something.”Oregon-Militia-Go-Home-Bundys-Sized“So I said there was no darn way I was getting down on the ground and he poked me in the shoulder — so, yeah, I did a leg take-down. Didn’t know I even remembered that old move. Did it without even thinking about it. Haha.”

“He landed pretty hard on his back and I could tell he was winded because he started moaning and trying to suck air into his lungs. And that was that.”


An FBI spokesperson at the entrance to the refuge told reporters that this is the first reported instance of any conflict between the occupying militant group and locals but warned that things could escalate quickly as other armed militants continue to arrive by the truckload.

“We’re hoping this is an isolated incident and we’re asking the elderly not to knock any more militants on their ass,” said the grinning FBI agent.


Harney County Sheriff David Ward appealed for calm among local citizens and the nearly 400 bird watchers who have come to the area promising to drive the militants out of the refuge that is home to dozens of species of birds including owls, white pelicans, sandhill cranes, and yellow-bellied black birds.


“I hope I didn’t hurt the man…well, his pride maybe,” said Saunders from his small bungalow in the nearby town of Burns, population 2,700.

“When I left to go check on the owls, he was still curled up in a ball on the ground.”

“The owls are fine but maybe these guys should just go home.”

Robin Steele
Liked this statement from an editorial in the OREGONIAN last week:

-- The occupiers are glib in calling themselves "patriots." Real patriots would honor and test the systems of government for reform, avoid local intrusion – and, well, never celebrate themselves as patriots.
In 2008, I read about some guy who went to a Utah BLM oil/gas lease auction and won the bid with the intent of not using the lands; in fact, not even having the money to pay what he bid. I often wondered what happened guy. Well this story tells what happened.

The dude got 2 years in the Federal pen. He is now a convicted felon. I had no idea. This link is an article that brings forth some interesting incongruencies between how he was charged and how the militia popgun boys and their Bundy leaders get off with pretty much nothing.

I notice how all the folks who complain of government overreach and how the Bundy family has been pushed to the limits did nothing to speak out on behalf of this guy. Whether you agree with his cause of climate change advocacy, or not, it probably will cause you to scratch your head and wonder where the consistencies are for this guy to get 2 years in the Federal pen while the Bundys and others who have made much more serious threats are allowed to continue doing whatever they want.

Seems if the Bundys were concerned with Federal overreach, extreme sentencing, etc, they would have a good cause of defense with this guy. Not standing by for the news wire report that Ammon and Cliven are taking up the cause of this guy who did nothing more than make some bids he couldn't pay for.
Randy, do you believe they won't be charged with anything? From the statement released by the US Fish and wildlife service it looks like they plan to hold them accountable. And as the sheriff said they're hour glass of patients with authorities is running out.
Randy, do you believe they won't be charged with anything? From the statement released by the US Fish and wildlife service it looks like they plan to hold them accountable. And as the sheriff said they're hour glass of patients with authorities is running out.

I have no idea. My gut tells me they will be allowed to head back to Nevada, without any accountability for their actions. I hope I am wrong, but if forced to place a bet, I would bet against it.

For many reasons. The President is not going to tell the Secretary of Interior to get serious about these issues. He just doesn't have the political spine. Congress could use budgets and other leverage to force Interior to get serious, but given many in Congress are sympathizers of the Bunys, I don't expect that to happen either. A sad state of affiars for those of us who value public lands are are committed to keeping them public for all Americans, not just those who happen to depend on the lands for their chosen livelihood.
Randy, do you believe they won't be charged with anything? From the statement released by the US Fish and wildlife service it looks like they plan to hold them accountable. And as the sheriff said they're hour glass of patients with authorities is running out.

The Bundy's have patients in an hour glass? Let's lock 'em up and throw away the key. They must have raided a mental hospital on the way to the refuge, probably where they picked up most of their supporters.

On a more serious note. Charge them all with the crimes already committed. Charge the fools providing quarter to these criminals no more providing aid comfort to the enemy. My patience has run out, no one enters the refuge and jail any who leave! I get not going in and flushing them out, but allowing criminals free movement is ridiculous. Time to start showing these fools the consequences for their actions and stop emboldening them by doing nothing.
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Good input and perspective BF.
No one is asking any candidates it seems. The press is looking for a side show and not asking ?'s.

That list of candidates and their position on sale or transfer of public lands that was posted would sink most of the GOP candidates for maybe 1/4 of voters.
If they were asked in public or at the debates their opinion on sale or transfer of public lands this week they could walk into the WH with a pro public lands stance.
A real reply from Dems would be the same,they would loose votes if they supported sale of it.Big time.

None of them will because no one has asked and they will not tell you they have already taken millions from the folks that are just waiting to take our public lands for profit.
And I feel sadly this is their year.
For themselves,not the American people.
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Makes me absolutely sick to my stomach to think that these guys will get off Scott free because of federal inaction and the lack of resources at the local level to prosecute.

On the plus side, although there is a crap load of misinformation concerning how the constitution works on forums like Face Book, I did recommend Episode 10 of Big Fins podcast to one young man who admitting to not knowing much about the issue and wanted to learn more, but was under the impression that was unconstitutional to for the fed to own land.

Hopefully he gives the podcast a listen.

Randy, although they might escape prosecution, do you think the Bundys actions could be the "cut the head off the Devil" moment you spoke of in Ep. 10 concerning public perception on the "state transfer" movement?
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In 2008, I read about some guy who went to a Utah BLM oil/gas lease auction and won the bid with the intent of not using the lands; in fact, not even having the money to pay what he bid. I often wondered what happened guy. Well this story tells what happened.

The dude got 2 years in the Federal pen. He is now a convicted felon. I had no idea. This link is an article that brings forth some interesting incongruencies between how he was charged and how the militia popgun boys and their Bundy leaders get off with pretty much nothing.

Interesting interview.

Side note: Anyone who is going to do public speaking should listen to at least 5 minutes of this interview so you can take the word "umm" out of your vocabulary.
Ben Long said in his Outdoor Life blog: "You–and the American people–own Malheur, ever since it was established by Theodore Roosevelt in 1908 and expanded over the century with Duck Stamp dollars."
I want to reiterate his point that the people who paid the most over the years for federal wildlife refuges are waterfowl hunters and others who buy duck stamps. We are the ones with the most skin in the game. The forceful takeover of the headquarters is a direct attack on waterfowl hunters' desires. Get the intruders out and let the biologists and wildlife managers back in to do their job. We will gladly pay for more property to be added to the refuge system. I think most Americans support using my duck stamp money in that manner.
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