PEAX Equipment

Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

Am I missing coverage of news media shoving mics in the face of law enforcement, and asking WTF are you doing about this? What is your plan? Is this like a military op in Iraq where we have to embed and get spoon fed stuff about "operational and personal security and we can't tell you what we are planning because . . ."? Or is it like a stand off in the city, where the perp is armed, only "in rural areas we don't surround people with SWAT and start negotiations because . . . well, this is different"?

I'm all for a peaceful resolution, and possibly even a "wait and wear down" tactic, if that is what this is. But I'd like to see a plan articulated. As well as how letting people and resources come and go plays into the overall strategy. Maybe I shouldn't know because if I know the occupiers would know, and maybe I don't have a right to know, but I should at least be told that much.

Unless and until I, as a member of the public, am told, I have every right to believe this is a clown show, not just by the occupiers, but by the government. And maybe nobody cares what I think. But they will when I Monday Morning Quarterback the outcome. They always do. And, if I don't see media questioning the government about the plan, then I can assume the media is FOS too.

Whatever, I'll write my representatives. Other than that, wake me when someone does something. :W:
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Am I missing coverage of news media shoving mics in the face of law enforcement, and asking WTF are you doing about this? What is your plan? Is this like a military op in Iraq where we have to embed and get spoon fed stuff about "operational and personal security and we can't tell you what we are planning because . . ."? Or is it like a stand off in the city, where the perp is armed, only "in rural areas we don't surround people with SWAT and start negotiations because . . . well, this is different"?

I'm all for a peaceful resolution, and possibly even a "wait and wear down" tactic, if that is what this is. But I'd like to see a plan articulated. As well as how letting people and resources come and go plays into the overall strategy. Maybe I shouldn't know because if I know the occupiers would know, and maybe I don't have a right to know, but I should at least be told that much.

Unless and until I, as a member of the public, am told, I have every right to believe this is a clown show, not just by the occupiers, but by the government. And maybe nobody cares what I think. But they will when I Monday Morning Quarterback the outcome. They always do. And, if I don't see media questioning the government about the plan, then I can assume the media is FOS too.

Whatever, I'll write my representatives. Other than that, wake me when someone does something. :W:

Not that the Bundy's are known for paying their debts, but it looks like things are finally starting to move forward.
I watched a video of the meeting, there was also a guy who stood up who told how a part of the refuge came about from private lands. He explained how a company bought it, and then sold it to the federal government. He said "the federal government didn't steal it, they bought it" to which he got a loud round of a applause. There's so much crap on right extremist and "constitutional defender" sites about the government stealing peoples land. I'm glad the guy got up and made it clear the government never stole any of the land. They bought it with our duck stamp money, and we should all be pissed as hell about this BS.
article I Stand with Linda Sue Beck: The Attack on Science at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge


That's a great piece. As a former USFS employee I would have been absolutely LIVID if one of these assholes was sitting at my desk and making a joke of my work. It would be hard to stay away.
That's a great piece. As a former USFS employee I would have been absolutely LIVID if one of these assholes was sitting at my desk and making a joke of my work. It would be hard to stay away.

The political cartoon is Gold!!!!

I too as a former gubberment employed LEO find it beyond belief the system has been accessed and employees & families watched.

And I don't really know how they conduct their lives in that county, but these jokers would have been SSSed by now here, and before the employees got a chance.
You do not spy on,intimidate or stalk folks.
Our County ordinance states that every household SHALL HAVE a firearm for self defence.
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I just finished reading an article, which I feel is very sympathetic to the Bundy's and what they have done, but the article was stating Bundy and Payne planned this months in advance and because of their activities, which included scoping out the place for a series of days, who the employees were, that on Dec. 30th, the refuge employees were sent home early and told not to come back until directed.
I was hoping for some dialog on how far out there Bundy is. He really thinks the Hammonds want this.
In my opinion, one of the major issues with the coverage of this event is that the mainstream media has no clue what is correct or incorrect. They just regurgitate the Bundy message, and there is nobody on the other side systematically refuting the Bundy claims with facts.
In my opinion, one of the major issues with the coverage of this event is that the mainstream media has no clue what is correct or incorrect. They just regurgitate the Bundy message, and there is nobody on the other side systematically refuting the Bundy claims with facts.

That's what I was thinking today while on my tractor. Just a lot of misinformation and nobody speaking up for the BLM. Have any presidential candidates spoke up on this? It would be nice to know if any of them will stand up for keeping public land public. They're probably hiding from it until they see which way the wind blows.
In my opinion, one of the major issues with the coverage of this event is that the mainstream media has no clue what is correct or incorrect. They just regurgitate the Bundy message, and there is nobody on the other side systematically refuting the Bundy claims with facts.

Investigative journalism is dead. And that's the way the owners of the media want it. It's come down to this: You ask each party to an issue what their position is and then report all sides, call it balanced reporting, pat yourself on the back, and go home.

Nobody *independently* investigates as to the truth of the matter asserted; they just ask the other side if what their opposition said was true, and assume the other side will have done any required due diligence investigations into their opposition. Once it's all out there, "Let the people decide!" :rolleyes:

P.S. The fact no one is reporting the Gubmn't side of this says something about the Gubmn't and the media.
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