Midwest BHA Group??


Sep 22, 2015
Anyone out there interested in trying to put together a midwest BHA group? I am thinking of a OH, IN, IL, and KY, but if someone has a better idea for configuration or thoughts, please share.
Joined BHA last week and still waiting for everything to process. Noticed the closest chapters are in the Great Lakes Region if I recall correctly.

I would be interested. Would need more info on membership and demographics before I would have any thoughts chapters etc.
Most (I think all) are by State. I've tried to drum up support for starting a Missouri chapter in the past, but never have much luck. I believe they want you to have at least 50 (might be 100) interested members before you can become an official state chapter.
Maybe ask for advice from the South East Chapter which covers States in the south east regional chapter are Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia and Florida. You should be able to get their contact info from BHA
I am a board member in the Southeast Chapter. Send me a PM and I will be happy to give you some advice from our experience and put you in contact with the rest of the board. We are having a retreat this weekend, and I am sure the good idea fairy will be alive and well in those meetings.
Joel, Zebulon Pike on the site is from Kentucky and has expressed some interest in getting a chapter going. He doesn't post here much but he is on quite a bit. I think his post is on page 3 or 4 of the public lands section. Another Kentucky guy and I had expressed interest at the time of his post.
I would certainly like to see something like this living in Illinois and already being a BHA member. I do think it would be a regional thing. If you lump together Mark Twain NF, Shawnee NF and Hoosier NF you have a decent belt of public access with a few small wilderness areas too.
If we could get Missouri in the region as well you could lump in the Mark Twain NF and that would add a lot of land. I would be interested in the regional chapter, and would do what I can to help but with three boys under the age of 15 my time is limited but I can try.
I would certainly like to see something like this living in Illinois and already being a BHA member. I do think it would be a regional thing. If you lump together Mark Twain NF, Shawnee NF and Hoosier NF you have a decent belt of public access with a few small wilderness areas too.
Land Between the Lakes, and the Daniel Boone NF in Kentucky aren't too far and could be included. And do not forget the National Wildlife Refuges for all of the states!
If we could get Missouri in the region as well you could lump in the Mark Twain NF and that would add a lot of land. I would be interested in the regional chapter, and would do what I can to help but with three boys under the age of 15 my time is limited but I can try.

I second my fellow Missourians support. i didn't realize they were doing chapters at the region level now, my apologies for the misinformation.

I have written a couple of emails to Ty Stubblefield at BHA about forming a Kentucky chapter but have not received a response.
The offer from Sapper.dawg is priceless, since they just navigated this process. They are now official after this years Rendezvous.
I'm all in on supporting the formation of a regional group. Available to coordinate Pint Nights, Hike to Hunt events, etc.
Let me know how I can help.

I'd definitely be interested. Southern Ohio life member. Wayne National forest is about the only NF we have but there are several nature conservancy and an 8000 acre wilderness area in Shawnee State forest.
I'd be interested as well. I've already started a BHA Hike 2 Hunt group in northeast Ohio. I'd like to get more eastern folks interested in our public lands but with such little in our area I'm having a difficult time. Hoping a local pint night might be just the ticket.
Thanks for all the replies. I was worried I wouldn't see much by way of response. I like the idea of adding Missouri in the mix. And as well pointed out, altogether we have some good public land holdings that deserve the protection and unified voice of hunters.

I've got a briefing deadline looming, along with a busy little league schedule. But next week I'm traveling for work, so hopefully I can reach out to some of you while kidless and wifeless in a D.C.
IL (Chicago) resident and BHA member here. I try to keep on top on things happening in the WI chapter through their Facebook group, but most events are a bit too far away to get to in Madison, particularly on a weeknight as many of them are. I don't know how many others are around here besides Flatland and I but I'd certainly like to get more involved with BHA events in this area.
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