PEAX Equipment

Middle Keys in April

I have no reference to Judge but a couple of Catherines friends have spent a lot of time in the Everglades. We actually took a couple of hikes looking for gators and Pythons. Folks we were with felt the water at this time of year was high, thigh deep instead of knee deep. Regardless it was one of the best things we did. If you go into the Glades to hike and such wear quick dry long pants. Take water shoes with you. For lunch or an early dinner (they close at 6 currently) go to Alabama Jacks. Food was great, atmosphere was interesting and if you sit at the rail you’ll see lots of fish. She said it was her favorite place in college to come with her friends, so its been there since the 70s at least.
Alabama Jack's is really close to where we'll be staying. We'll check it out for sure. Thanks for the info.
As a whole, the trip was great. The house we rented was spectacular, with a small pool and dock. Sharks, Cuda, Manatee and tons of Parrot fish right there. Rented a couple kayaks and cruised the Bay, caught some small fish. The two guided trips were kind of a mixed bag and my son's dive day a complete waste due to weather and incompetence of other divers in group. If you're diving Key Largo seems to be the top place.

First guide for backcountry seemed like a solid angler but apparently hated being a guide. Dude had zero personality, no communication skills and anger issues. Bright side we went two for two on Tarpon with a 120 lber. I tried to make calls and research guides for the right fit, but oh well.

Second guide for offshore was the complete opposite. A young guy with a tremendous attitude and love of fishing. Plan was to start off with some easier fishing at his "spot"/ favorite rock pile offshore. That was a bust and he struggled to figure a plan B. We later switched to looking for Mahi or Tuna. Guide put forth effort and ended up with several "peanut" sized Mahi that equaled lunch and dinner for a couple days.

Biggest surprise for me was the snorkeling trip. I had very low expectations but loved it, great time. I forget the name of spot, but it is one of the most popular around Middle Keys.
Time flies on vacation and the trip went by so fast. I could have stayed for at least another week. I have no hot tips other than try to dive or snorkel several spots as it is world class. Rent kayaks a or a boat and do some DIY exploring. Talk with some guides or get a good recommendation for the type of fishing you are looking for. I was told we were kind of in between seasons for offshore with Tuna ending and Mahi just starting. One tip if you want to catch a Barracuda, they absolutely love that basic red Cuda Tube.
Have a great time
Thanks for the info, been doing a lot of research on the Backcountry fishing, looking forward to the Tarpon run.

Kayaks come with our rental, and will have some light tackle. I was looking into the seasons and it looks like Tarpon is going to be the target, although Cuda would be cool.

Sad to hear about your kids dive experience, you'll run into those everywhere. I've been stuck behind a few divers who stir enough bottom that visibility is null. Doing three days of diving and snorkeling a few days.

I'm sure it'll be a great time, looking forward to the weather. If you have any local restaurants to recommend, let me know. Just about every dive trip is the same, we'll make our own breakfast and lunch, dine out for supper.
Group of us have a house early April in marathon on gulf side. Taking our boats down for a week of tarpon and hoping for some bonefish on the shallow flats.
We have been there few times but always in the winter for sailfish.
Always some type of catching down there .

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