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Metalworking Hunttalkers!

Lots of great welding tips here.

Does anyone on this thread have any advice for cutting thicker sheet metal (14 ga or heavier) by manual means?

IE, without a stomp shear or a hydro?
A Diablo blade in a skillsaw has cut a LOT of sheet/plate steel. Wear a faceshield and long sleeves. Definitely ear pro. The chips coming off are made of hellfire. I've got a scar on my lip from where one tried to make a home.
I've done full length sheets up to 1/4" and shorter cuts in 1/2".
I'm not one of the skilled gurus... just a hobby player though, how about oxy/acetylene cutting tip torch? Too much for the thickness? A tad rough for the cut line though depending on the need...?
I use it on occasion more for 3/8+ though. Asking the weld workers. I'd imagine there's a reason this option was not offered. For my work, cutting wheels are 90% of my cutting.
Nothing wrong with torch work. You can get just as nice of a cut as plasma if you're well versed.
A Diablo blade in a skillsaw has cut a LOT of sheet/plate steel. Wear a faceshield and long sleeves. Definitely ear pro. The chips coming off are made of hellfire. I've got a scar on my lip from where one tried to make a home.
I've done full length sheets up to 1/4" and shorter cuts in 1/2".
That’s nutz, how long did it take to cut a sheet of 1/4 and how clean was it after?
I'm pretty sure this is how the " hold my beer" movement started

edit: Seen that "hold my beer" thing so many times but never bothered to focus on it.

Yes, this activity will be new and exciting for me, and, yes, it will be done in style with confidence born of a lifetime's experience doing "new" things.
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A Diablo blade in a skillsaw has cut a LOT of sheet/plate steel. Wear a faceshield and long sleeves. Definitely ear pro. The chips coming off are made of hellfire. I've got a scar on my lip from where one tried to make a home.
I've done full length sheets up to 1/4" and shorter cuts in 1/2".
Smiling when at work! Ouch!
Kid makes fun of me, the way I cut and drill. That Diablo makes some fine cuts. Plasma cutting has it's place, but needs some clean up. Many ways to get it done.
Hey, I've got a couple small welding projects to dink around with but don't have a welding table. What would any of you recommend for a hobby welding newb?
Hey, I've got a couple small welding projects to dink around with but don't have a welding table. What would any of you recommend for a hobby welding newb?

I built my welding table from a couple steel shipping crates for Home Depot / Lowes riding lawn mowers. Maybe check with your local store managers and see if they are able to part with them. It took two that I cut a portion off one and welded it to the other for the right height. Then, I purchased 3/4" (or 1" - I didn't measure) compressed board and topped it with 1/4 Steel plate. Saved me a bunch of $ for the steel top and I've beat the heck out of the welding table over the past 15 years.
Even the wheels have held up remarkably well, considering their size... It was a quick and cheap build that's held the test of my abuse.

I'm sure the gurus have some better thoughts for garage set welding tables though - the cheap seats, hope this at least gets the imagination flowing. - Best to you are your table build.

A few pics.




