A few months ago I took a chance. And it worked out very well. I emailed Jordan Jonnas from the TV show alone and asked him if he would like to go moose bear wolf hunting with me. And he accepted the offer !
My beautiful wife doesn't like me going out to the cabin by myself. And I've had an idea for the cabin. I guess I noticed Jordan from the TV show as a guy kinda like me, positive thinking. And loving being in the outdoors. I went to his web n emailed him after reading his story. He felt inspiration from his dad. That no matter how hard life can be. Always stay positive.
Him and a good friend of his came up for a week. This guy is a hard worker. Up before daylight and hunts till dark. And it was tough conditions. He zeroed in on the area west of the cabin near a usually small 1-3' creek. That was now a raging 8' plus river. This creek has all 5 species of salmon in it. And there were salmon in the marshy tioga areas. He got through an alder patch and spotted a mid fifties bull 40 yards out looking at him. He could see his head n hump in the tall grasses. Took his shot. Bull spins around n gone. He waited a short bit and went searching. It was pouring rain hard. Could not find blood or hair. His buddy joined the search and my buddy hiked over from the cabin to help. It was dusk n it got black. He was hurt pretty hard. Jordan n 2 others went back first thing in the morning. Couldn't find anything and the plane home was scheduled to be at the pick up lake at 5.
We have probably all been there. It happens. He shot his rifle to check and the scope had taken a hit and was way off. And I know he checked the scope with a bore scope I have at the cabin. So he did his best to insure his equipment was up to par but hunting conditions around here can get hard. The undergrowth it 4-7' tall. And walking on the tioga was difficult.
The bears have been taking a big toll. Jordan and his buddy found 2 recent moose kills while hunting. And the grasses along the creek were trampled from bear. Lot of brown ones tooooo. The blacks have been raised trouble with the cabin. Ripping on the support beams. And using it as a scratching post. One reached over bear boards and bit a hole in the door nob. Got a package of moose burger stolen one evening. I put it in some moss to stay cool. And had one come up on the deck n leave prints on the front porch window while I was out hunting.
Hey everyone had a great time. And a good opportunity to harvest a moose bear or wolf. Jordan found 6 or 7 different types of wild mushrooms. Reshi, lions mane, oyster, birch bolea n more. I dried them on the woodstove. And they each found a couple pounds of chaga to harvest n bring home. There is some near the cabin so we can get a few chunks n keep a pot of chaga tea on the stove. Mixed with Tang orange drink and you will have a great hot tea to watch the fire with. I made fresh chaga bread at the cabin. Goes great with moose steak n sockeye salmon on the fire. Ak serf n turf. Jordan's buddy found a nice antler drop.
Mostly, new friends were connected. Hunting can do that. Really bring folks together. Sitting around a campfire telling stories about our lives. Connecting at a different level. And hopefully next years him n his friend, now a new friend for me too, and their families can come back n have a better chance for a trophy and be able to share that with their families. The lights always on for them.
I know that I had a great time. And after missing hunting for the first time in 40 some years for a couple years kinda hurt me. I'll own it. But being in the outdoors is my thing. And being able to share feels nice. I'm glad I took a chance and so did Jordan. I really respect that. We share the same passion for being out. But for more reason than harvesting game or foraging. There is something deeper. And being around a couple fellows that I actually kinda depended on because I'm not as tough as I think I am. And feeling like we have always known each other.
And I know that I healed in a way like no other. I call it the healing power of the bush. Hey folks take chances in life. Don't be afraid to open up a new door n step through. You just may enjoy the experience. Get out. I have a few new body parts and feel better every day. And would like to say thanks to Jordan for all he's done for me. I guess take one make one refers to taking a chance and making new friends along with helping others get introduced into our public lands

My beautiful wife doesn't like me going out to the cabin by myself. And I've had an idea for the cabin. I guess I noticed Jordan from the TV show as a guy kinda like me, positive thinking. And loving being in the outdoors. I went to his web n emailed him after reading his story. He felt inspiration from his dad. That no matter how hard life can be. Always stay positive.
Him and a good friend of his came up for a week. This guy is a hard worker. Up before daylight and hunts till dark. And it was tough conditions. He zeroed in on the area west of the cabin near a usually small 1-3' creek. That was now a raging 8' plus river. This creek has all 5 species of salmon in it. And there were salmon in the marshy tioga areas. He got through an alder patch and spotted a mid fifties bull 40 yards out looking at him. He could see his head n hump in the tall grasses. Took his shot. Bull spins around n gone. He waited a short bit and went searching. It was pouring rain hard. Could not find blood or hair. His buddy joined the search and my buddy hiked over from the cabin to help. It was dusk n it got black. He was hurt pretty hard. Jordan n 2 others went back first thing in the morning. Couldn't find anything and the plane home was scheduled to be at the pick up lake at 5.
We have probably all been there. It happens. He shot his rifle to check and the scope had taken a hit and was way off. And I know he checked the scope with a bore scope I have at the cabin. So he did his best to insure his equipment was up to par but hunting conditions around here can get hard. The undergrowth it 4-7' tall. And walking on the tioga was difficult.
The bears have been taking a big toll. Jordan and his buddy found 2 recent moose kills while hunting. And the grasses along the creek were trampled from bear. Lot of brown ones tooooo. The blacks have been raised trouble with the cabin. Ripping on the support beams. And using it as a scratching post. One reached over bear boards and bit a hole in the door nob. Got a package of moose burger stolen one evening. I put it in some moss to stay cool. And had one come up on the deck n leave prints on the front porch window while I was out hunting.
Hey everyone had a great time. And a good opportunity to harvest a moose bear or wolf. Jordan found 6 or 7 different types of wild mushrooms. Reshi, lions mane, oyster, birch bolea n more. I dried them on the woodstove. And they each found a couple pounds of chaga to harvest n bring home. There is some near the cabin so we can get a few chunks n keep a pot of chaga tea on the stove. Mixed with Tang orange drink and you will have a great hot tea to watch the fire with. I made fresh chaga bread at the cabin. Goes great with moose steak n sockeye salmon on the fire. Ak serf n turf. Jordan's buddy found a nice antler drop.
Mostly, new friends were connected. Hunting can do that. Really bring folks together. Sitting around a campfire telling stories about our lives. Connecting at a different level. And hopefully next years him n his friend, now a new friend for me too, and their families can come back n have a better chance for a trophy and be able to share that with their families. The lights always on for them.
I know that I had a great time. And after missing hunting for the first time in 40 some years for a couple years kinda hurt me. I'll own it. But being in the outdoors is my thing. And being able to share feels nice. I'm glad I took a chance and so did Jordan. I really respect that. We share the same passion for being out. But for more reason than harvesting game or foraging. There is something deeper. And being around a couple fellows that I actually kinda depended on because I'm not as tough as I think I am. And feeling like we have always known each other.
And I know that I healed in a way like no other. I call it the healing power of the bush. Hey folks take chances in life. Don't be afraid to open up a new door n step through. You just may enjoy the experience. Get out. I have a few new body parts and feel better every day. And would like to say thanks to Jordan for all he's done for me. I guess take one make one refers to taking a chance and making new friends along with helping others get introduced into our public lands