Message from Ryan Hatfield, Editor, Elk Hunter Magazine

Ryan, I really enjoyed your magazine, read it from front to back. Keep up the great work!!!
Got it. Read it and for the most part I liked it. While reading the RMEF article/ad and then your message about joining the RMEF I started thinking, sometimes that's hard to do after bed time, anyway. There wasn't anything in the magazine that would lead any hunter toward SFW without prior knowledge of the envolvement of some of the staff with SFW or it's derivatives. However without that knowledge one is obviously guided towards the RMEF. To "boycott" the magazine would indeed keep some of my hard earned pennies out of the pockets of some of the SFW sympathisers but in the big picture supporting this magazine would not only help guys like Ryan and elknut (also a RMEF supporter and seemingly good guy based on my last phone conversation with him) it promotes the way of life we are all fighting to protect and as far as I can conjure at this hour that is in fact the best tool we have against the organizations that threaten it. So Ryan your plan did indeed work on at least one of your critics. I admit after reading it my mind has been changed and I plan on continuing my subscription... as soon as the free one runs out (grin)
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