Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Meat grinder upgrade

I have a LEM big bite 1.5 horse. I watched for a good sale which Lem has every year. If I recall I saved about 30-40%.
i cant feed it quick enough. I only grind once. I chill the meat real good and that seems to really make a nice grind. Its easy to clean up as the head comes off and has a big throat. I really think its the best money I spent but glad I watched for the sale.
I have a LEM big bite 1.5 horse. I watched for a good sale which Lem has every year. If I recall I saved about 30-40%.
i cant feed it quick enough. I only grind once. I chill the meat real good and that seems to really make a nice grind. Its easy to clean up as the head comes off and has a big throat. I really think its the best money I spent but glad I watched for the sale.
Do you happen to remember what time of year the sale was?
I burned out our old Oster this morning. There is actually a 1 1/2 HP Hobart here in town on CL, but it is 3 phase. $775
I personally use and like Weston products. First, if you are doing more than occassional grinding or butchering whole animals, you want a minimum 1 HP motor on the grinder. The one I use is this one: https://www.homedepot.com/pep/Westo...VhcDACh1xJAtvEAYYBSABEgJ8MPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

Most of Cabella's and Sportsman Warehouse grinders are really for the occasional 5 pound batches, not huge batches of burger or any of that. If you plan to do a lot, spend your money now and you will gain it back. Weston products will last a lifetime and you can send the plates in to be resharpened or replaced should they dull on you.
I just ending up ordering the LEM BIGBITE 1.5 horse #32. I was between that and the Cabelas brand but the reviews of the LEM looked better. Got it on sale for 20% off so that payed the tax and shipping.
Ive had the cabelas #22 for quite a few years. Put quite a few elk and deer and hogs through it. I like it! Grinds fast. I have bought an extra set of blades and I sharpen them after use. Many people dont do this and then complain their grinder is slow. Blades need sharpening. Its not hard to do.
if you’re just grinding for burger. May want to just go to smaller plate and grind once. Alot easier than pushing through a second time.
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