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Mckean out at OL

A shame. I was ready to become a subscriber because of the Zinke interview, but now that he is gone, I think I'll just donate the money to BHA.
I'm sad to hear Andrew is out at OL. He's a great guy and extremely sharp and I'm thinking this will be just a speed bump for him. Best of luck Andrew!

Hey Randy, how about doing a hunt with Andrew sometime? I guarantee it would be one of the most fun hunts you've had, regardless of the type of hunt chosen.
The new economy destroyed the chance for Andrew to continue doing what he had done so well. Sound like a sharp guy so am hopeful he will find a productive way to keep making a difference while getting paid to be part of that effort. I read somewhere that a big percentage of jobs that kids being born this year will actually do as they become adults are jobs that do not yet exist. Twenty years ago, who would have thought a person could get paid to fly remote control drones? Twenty years ago who thought a career as a union auto assembly worker was going to be eroded not just by American companies sending jobs overseas but by automation? Or a job in the coal mines would be lost not because of clean air rules but to automation?

I miss the experience of turning pages of a hunting magazine and reading front to back including every ad which is what I did as a kid. I am sure if I went on eBay and picked up a mid-1970s Outdoor Life that I would not be as amazed as I was as a young lad. Those stories of hunts out West turned me into a daydreaming Walter Mitty where I imagined being on that hunt and having the grizzly attack my horse or getting caught in a snow squall for days taking refuge inside a snow cave I would carve out.

I tried subscribing to several hunting magazines in the late 1990s when I returned to hunting big game and the rise of horn porn craze and a heavy whitetail deer hunting focus turned me off as did the "which cooler is best" when then see big advertisements before and after the cooler eval which smelled of "pay to play" rather than a comprehensive attempt to identify the best cooler on the market in carious price ranges. I get Huntin' Fool, Epic and NRA mag though rarely read an article in them unless is somewhere I hunted.

The rise of hunting forums filled my interest in reading and sharing stories. Some of the hunt recaps on here are very, very impressive and rival the stories I recall reading in the magazines as a kid years ago. Perhaps that is part of the challenge that amateur authors are able to "publish" their stories within a few days of returning from a hunt rather than see the article go to press months later if a magazine ever bought the article from the freelancer. I do not have to wait a month for the next issue of a magazine to arrive as can check back here when have time.
"the new economy?" ?? It is the way folks read, spelled internet/social media and smart phones, not the economy, and not hard copied books/magazines.

It's to bad, was nice having a big time editor living right here with his hand on the pulse of Eastern Mt issues. I wish Andrew nothing but the best. Every time a window is closed, somewhere there is a door being opened.
A real shame as he was really pushing the public lands issue and was a great voice for conservation. Wonder if this means the Outdoor Life magazine overall is going to go down the crapper. Really is too bad, I still remember always looking at the "This Happened to Me" column when I was a kid and my dad subscribed.
I wonder if he pushed the public lands issue too much. At least online, there's a lot of pushback from OL and F&S subscribers who think the magazines are getting too "liberal."
I wonder if he pushed the public lands issue too much. At least online, there's a lot of pushback from OL and F&S subscribers who think the magazines are getting too "liberal."

If public lands issues are "too liberal", chalk me up as "ultra left".
I hope Diana Rupp for Sports Afield has called him with a job offer...

I like his work, perspective, and writing style.

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