Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

I love Rogan.

With that said he and Rinella failed miserably, and I mean miserably, during the Colorado wolf ballot initiative. Not one fking peep from them. Had they done one podcast about it it may have swayed that very close margin the other way. Too late, it’s only going to amount to the loss of opportunity to 10s of thousands of hunters in the long run. Pile those numbers up with promoting western hunting and it’s a never ending point creep pit.

He did one with Cliff Gray about 11 months ago (at least that's when uploaded to You tube).

that's a nearly impossible question to answer.

would things be worse politically for hunters if rinella hadn't drawn so many new hunters to the landscape? hard to say, if not impossible to say, you just can't know.

but when things come down to voting, and many things will, there is no argument against the idea that more hunters and more non hunters that better understand hunting is a bad thing. at the least you'll never convince me otherwise.

hanes and matt rinella are just white noise to me at this point - both blowhards of a different variety.
Hunting will never explicitly be on the ballot. You'll have to infer that. And do you honestly think an introduction to hunting is going to change someone's politics? Because I sure as hell don't. Look at HT, we're more vested in both hunting and conservation than 99% of hunters out there, and I doubt if anyone has changed how they vote.
Hunting will never explicitly be on the ballot. You'll have to infer that. And do you honestly think an introduction to hunting is going to change someone's politics? Because I sure as hell don't. Look at HT, we're more vested in both hunting and conservation than 99% of hunters out there, and I doubt if anyone has changed how they vote.

it can change how they view propositions, it can change how they view rhetoric from some organizations, it'll allow them an understanding of things they may not have understood before.

this isn't about R & D voting.

i could imagine in my life time a proposition in colorado asking the voters to decide if hunters should be allowed to keep the heads of deer and elk, or not allow the take of male species, all in the name of "trophy hunting"

i could see fall bear ending up on the ballot in the not so terribly distant future.

i could see a lot of things happening. the wolf proposition was defeatable the and proposition calling for the banning of all lion hunting and its attempt to define lion hunting of any kind as trophy hunting, should be defeatable.

the lions share, no pun intended, of people who will be casting a vote on that proposition and every proposition like it in the future are not hunters and that fact alone should underscore the paramount importance of this and our future in what will be a continued onslaught of urban borne propositions.
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Isn't irony also being a guest on your brothers show and being in his hunting movie???

Or does irony not apply in that scenario?

The more I see on this, the more it looks like he just has a beef with Steve.

There's things I like about his message, but the way he goes about some things really seems increasingly petty and unserious.
There's things I like about his message, but the way he goes about some things really seems increasingly petty and unserious.
Yes, and like I've said from the beginning, he has some good points, but the entire thing really just seems directed at Steve.

I don't see a correlation between someone playing games on their phone while hunting to someone filming a show. One is a meaningless distraction, one is beneficial to countless people.
Isn't irony also being a guest on your brothers show and being in his hunting movie???

Or does irony not apply in that scenario?

The more I see on this, the more it looks like he just has a beef with Steve.
Maybe his thoughts on things have evolved and changed with time? Seeing negative impacts will do that to someone
Yes, and like I've said from the beginning, he has some good points, but the entire thing really just seems directed at Steve.

I don't see a correlation between someone playing games on their phone while hunting to someone filming a show. One is a meaningless distraction, one is beneficial to countless people.

The disrespectful to the woods part should go both ways in my opinion. It is a distraction. Not getting a kill shot on film is about like not hunting. If you don’t get the content is it all a waste?

We all have to pass the time somehow right. I don’t have a problem is someone’s playing poker on their phone to kill the time.
There's things I like about his message, but the way he goes about some things really seems increasingly petty and unserious.

He's about 50/50 in my book on either saying good things or just coming across as a jealous sibling who's trying to trade on his brother's name. He's always kind of come across as a grumpy bastard though anyway. Oh, to be a fly on the wall at their mom's house at Christmas dinner...
The disrespectful to the woods part should go both ways in my opinion. It is a distraction. Not getting a kill shot on film is about like not hunting. If you don’t get the content is it all a waste?

We all have to pass the time somehow right. I don’t have a problem is someone’s playing poker on their phone to kill the time.
Meateater doesn't focus on the kill shot. They post plenty of episodes where they don't kill anything. Out of all the hunting shows Matt could go after, he's going after his brother most of the time. On the spectrum of hunting shows, meateater is not the one I'd go after. I would use it as an example of what a hunting show should strive to be like.
Wanna explain how a TV or Youtube show is "beneficial to countless people"?
People enjoy watching tv... They benefit from the entertainment provided, or knowledge shared.

I say countless, because I have no idea how many millions of views their youtube channel has, or how many millions of people have read different articles on their site.
Meateater doesn't focus on the kill shot. They post plenty of episodes where they don't kill anything. Out of all the hunting shows Matt could go after, he's going after his brother most of the time. On the spectrum of hunting shows, meateater is not the one I'd go after. I would use it as an example of what a hunting show should strive to be like.
Early meat eater I would be 100% with you. The stuff they've been putting out lately though, especially the side shows - not so much. Dramatically different from the tone and quality of the show when it started

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