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Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

I just can’t not think of the work Matt could have saved himself if he had consistently gave Steve giant atomic wedgies and confidence robbing beat downs when they were younger and it was socially acceptable.(that’s what I did to my younger brother. It worked!!) Steve would be just another stuttering stammering Michigonian flipping burgers at Wendy’s in Bozeman. That could have been Matt’s greatest contribution. Unfortunately now that ship has sailed.
What are your thoughts on the large forest fires and loss of heavy timbered sanctuary areas for deer cover? Deer used to be able to hide being not too far off the roads, now you can see for miles. Forest fires are a natural part of the landscape, but probably didn’t help the deer
You are 100% correct. My go to ridge in the 90's had at least one 180 buck on it every year in the 90's. In 2000 it went up in smoke. I still scout it every year but have only seen two 180 deer there since the fire and both of those were close to 20 years ago when deer numbers were high. The effect on quality bucks was like night and day. Those larger bucks got real easy to find and kill with out the timber for cover. At first deer numbers went up with the increase in food. In time how ever the much easier hunting has taken a toll on numbers too. It just doesn't take a lot of glassing skill to find rutting bucks on open hill sides when there is snow on the ground. It has also gotten much easier to kill the deer once you find them. I can not tell you how many nice bucks I found out of range across a canyon and then blew it because when you were on their side of the canyon it was just not very easy to get a shot at them with out spooking them at close quarters in the timber. Now you can ease over the ridge four or five hundred yards away for a shot. That just didn't work very often in the timber.
A friend and I found a big deer one evening right at dark. We were back at daylight the next morning and could not find him. Confident that he was still in the timber below us we decided that our only chance in the crunchy snow was to do a drive. I jumped him in the thick stuff and had no chance, but luck was on our side and he went through an opening only a 100 yards from my friend. Now days we would have spotted him and shot him from the top of the hill in that spot.DSCN4817.JPG
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Straight from the Hunt Quietly website...

Hunting TV
-Boycott hunting TV and other forms of hunting entertainment. It leads to
the commodification of wildlife and hunting access.
-Avoid (to the extent possible) companies that use hunting TV and social media
influencers to sell products.

Social Media
-Disincentivize (unfollow) hunters that display dead and dying animals to
strangers on social media.

Hunt Talk is social media, you're posting pics of dead animals. Matt is strongly against that... Do you not see the hypocrisy?

This forum runs off of all the things you're supposed to be boycotting as a supporter of Matt. Randy is an influencer, there are dozens of companies and products being advertised within his videos and on this site. 100s of members share pics of animals and stories here. This is hunting media. We're all here for a reason... Matt would delete this website along with anything related to hunting if he could.
The only "followers" I have are guys like you, and I'd classify them more as stalkers.
Not at all. But I also wouldn't consider a public figure my friend... I don't think you really understand his positions and goals. I agree with like half of what he says. The other half is so far fetched and radical that I couldn't support him for it.

Please identify and elaborate on the 50% that is "far-fetched and radical."
You are 100% correct. My go to ridge in the 90's had at least one 180 buck on it every year in the 90's. In 2000 it went up in smoke. I still scout it every year but have only seen two 180 deer there since the fire and both of those were close to 20 years ago when deer numbers were high. The effect on quality bucks was like night and day. Those larger bucks got real easy to find and kill with out the timber for cover. At first deer numbers went up with the increase in food. In time how ever the much easier hunting has taken a toll on numbers too. It just doesn't take a lot of glassing skill to find rutting bucks on open hill sides when there is snow on the ground. It has also gotten much easier to kill the deer once you find them. I can not tell you how many nice bucks I found out of range across a canyon and then blew it because when you were on there side of the canyon it was just not very easy spot them with out spooking them at close quarters in the timber. Now you can ease over the ridge four or five hundred yards away for a shot. That just didn't work very often in the timber.
A friend and I found a big deer one evening right at dark. We were back at daylight the next morning and could not find him. Confident that he was still in the timber below us we decided that our only chance in the crunchy snow was to do a drive. I jumped him in the thick stuff and had no chance, but luck was on our side and he went through an opening only a 100 yards from my friend. Now days we would have spotted him and shot him from the top of the hill in that spot.View attachment 305251
I know it's been said so many times before but in 20 years were gonna look at pictures from now and talk about the good old days. Yikes
I know it's been said so many times before but in 20 years were gonna look at pictures from now and talk about the good old days. Yikes
If I was smart I'd start selling some of my spare hunting rifles now. Sell high
Just so everyone's on the same page here:

This is a 12 page thread that's now about bitching about people who are bitching about people who are bitching about them.

This is the peak internet Al $*)Q!#@$ Gore gave us.
it is mildly entertaining though. For the record, I don't think I understood the what the term "Influencer" meant until just recently, so I'm pretty sure I'm not one.
I am about to go climb up my treestand. I will sit for 3 1/2 hours and I am 99% sure I won't shoot anything.

I hope this post and my raghorn pic from last season influences someone to do the same.

Have fun buddy. Don't let the overly-chiseled local guy with a heart of gold and a small company selling Christmas elves steal the Mrs while you're out and about.
I am about to go climb up my treestand. I will sit for 3 1/2 hours and I am 99% sure I won't shoot anything.

I hope this post and my raghorn pic from last season influences someone to do the same.
It's nothing against you. Or anyone for that matter. Matt is just not a dude I'd personally support.

I'm in the treestand also tonight. Going to shoot a doe is the opportunity presents itself.

I love seeing hunting pics. I hope someone sees your success and decides to keep trying. This case was just a matter of some dude saying we shouldn't post hunting pics because there is too many people hunting his favorite area. Just not a fan after I heard him on the meateater podcast.
Please identify and elaborate on the 50% that is "far-fetched and radical."
Here's a quick bit from his site.

If this isn't far fetched to you, you better follow his instructions and never watch hunting shows, not be a consumer of basically every brand of hunting equipment, and stop supporting non profits, like DU, RMEF, NWTF, and countless other non profits that do any form of posting on social media for countless reasons.

Hunting TV
-Boycott hunting TV and other forms of hunting entertainment. It leads to
the commodification of wildlife and hunting access.
-Avoid (to the extent possible) companies that use hunting TV and social media
influencers to sell products.

Social Media
-Disincentivize (unfollow) hunters that display dead and dying animals to
strangers on social media.

-Discourage hunting nonprofits from recruiting, retaining, and reactivating
hunters into our severely overcrowded pastime in their quest for dues and
hunting industry sponsors.
This case was just a matter of some dude saying we shouldn't post hunting pics because there is too many people hunting his favorite area.
Again, that’s an over simplification. I believe he has stated multiple times it’s not that he’s against all hunting pics. Motivations, Intent, and integrity for a dividing line. Can’t remember which episode, but Matt stated something to the effect of “I don’t care if you share some grip and grins on Fb or whatever with your friends and family”. It’s the killing for content that he is opposed to. Where the hunt, the kill, and the subsequent picture is meant to drive likes and content. Instances where influencers use that picture over and over to drive traffic and increase likes. Instances where influencers leave the guts in animal so they can take pictures with the right lighting. Instances where they paid 20k for a canned 400” bull that barely got hunted its entire life and they post that to instagram, driving more likes, generating more money, so they can buy more private ranch canned hunts all under the guise that they’re promoting hunting for regular joes when in actuality they’re attracting the wrong kind of crowd and adding to the pressure at the trailhead, all while lining their pockets off a public resource.
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Again, that’s an over simplification. I believe he has stated multiple times it’s not that he’s against all hunting pics. Motivations, Intent, and integrity for a dividing line. Can’t remember which episode, but Matt stated something to the effect of “I don’t care if you share some grip and grins on Fb or whatever with your friends and family”. It’s the killing for content that he is opposed to. Where the hunt, the kill, and the subsequent picture is meant to drive likes and content. Instances where influencers use that picture over and over to drive traffic and increase likes. Instances where influencers leave the guts in animal so they can take pictures with the right lighting. Instances where they paid 20k for a canned 400” bull that barely got hunted its entire life and they post that to instagram, driving more likes, generating more money, so they can buy more private ranch canned hunts all under the guise that they’re promoting hunting for regular joes when in actuality they’re attracting the wrong kind of crowd and adding to the pressure at the trailhead.
I understand it to a degree, but at the same time, I'd bet most of us are consumers of hunting media. As long as people watch, there will be a way to make money doing it. Hunters I know who make content with it are doing it because they discovered a way to make a living doing what they love. Yes there's a lot of people doing it. But most of these people hunted before they started filming it. The drive for hunting typically fuels the desire to start filming it. Then if it turns in to something, then they just discovered a way to make a living. "Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."

If you had an opportunity tomorrow to make 3 or 4x what you're currently making to go hunt all over the country, would you?

It's the entertainment industry.
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