Matt and the Boys!




Heres a pic some of you may have seen, maybe not. One of my hunting guides that got a big tom lion with me the year before decided, that his son wanted to get a lion also. Christmas vacation I said would be a great time to do it since all the kids would be outta school. My oldest son and I found a huge track the day before Matt was to come hunting!!! PERFECT I thought!!! Well my son went to where the lion had been, and had Matt with him and his friend Ridge. Debbie and I went on the other side of the highway looking for other tracks. Well I guess another lion hunter had beat them to the place, but the lion had left and crossed the highway to where me and Debbie was at. I found the track at 830 or so, and called Bo on the radio to see what he had found. He was a little despondant that someone had beat them to our "HONEYHOLE"!!!! I said, ya wanna run a lion?? He said Yes didi ya find something? I said I found what they were looking for!!! He said the big one, I siad YUP! H said where are ya? I said I anit telling!!!!!
He was PISSED!!! Finally I told him where I was and they said they were on their way. While waiting for them I circled the area to make sure the lion hadnt left the area, it was about a ten mile circle. I got back to the truck and the boys had already found the track and turned dogs loose!! THE LITTLE TURDS!!!! Anyway, i said thats OK the snow is DEEP and they will wish they would have waited for me!
Two of the kids came back , Matt and Ridge, so we loaded up on the leds and made a three mile circle after we couldnt hear the dogs anymore, and stopped on top of a ridge at the end of the road overlooking the highway!! I could hear the dogs and they were treed!!!! Excitement built as we headed off the hill towards the highway. It was steep and the snow was deep, we slid most of the way down. We got there just seconds after my son bo made it to the tree. In the tree was the bigest tom we have ever taken. He was up real high but you could tell he was huge. Matt had never seen a lion in the wild, and he was kinda ho hum about it until he shot it. When the lion hit the ground it was dead, with one shot from Matts 30-30, and he was one happy camper. He couldnt believe the size of the thing! He said ya think its bigger than dads lion?? I reluctantly said Yup I believe it is matt!!! I knew how he would rub it in to dad!!!
The kids got their dogs in on several lions that Christmas vacation, and it made hounds out of every one of them. I cant remeber exactly how many we treed that year during vacation but it was around 5 or six. I love hunting with kids that are into their dogs and hunting lions!!!! bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes

Bcat, Great story. I had seen that pic somewhere love the story. It has me pumped up for this fall. I have came alive with mt lion fever!!! Can't wait to hear those hounds at work.

Live to Hunt-Terry aka Coydog.
CathuntMT-We have all kinds of dogs. Or almost all kinds. I have 3 black and tans, two walkers, two redbones and some crossbreds, blutic/black and tan/redbone crosses. Debbie said if ya would like to try her female B&T, and we get the pick of the litter she is going to have in a couple months, we might be able to work a deal with ya. She would really be able to get your hound to working if the dog has it in it to begin with. Give me abuzz. bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes


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