Mask up on federal lands

CamoFire has some good deals on the Black Ovis merino underwear all the time. I get a week of hunting in 2 pairs no problem. I'd say its pretty darn comparable to the FL underwear, and much cheaper.
I tell you what, I've been going commando for over 30 years, and it's nice in the summer, when stuff gets...sticky.

Winter is a different story, but for fellas dealing with ample masculinity, sometimes letting the boys run free is necessary.
Ben, if you really want the boys to run free, I will make you a heck of a deal on a very lightly used Mountain Hardwear Elkommando Kilt my wife and daughter bought for me.
Dude, F that arc pro BS! Everything I get in there I spend more time googling how to do something than actually working and go back to arcmap.


Arc Users: "Hey could you make a 64 bit program, my computer has 8GB of ram and I have trouble with large datasets"

ERSI: "Sure thing"

8 years later

ESRI: "So here it is... shiny right, and we moved all the buttons, and *dramatic pause* because it's a 64 bit program it can handle a lot more data so we re-designed the way the program interacts with databases so there are more "features"...

Arc Users: "So wait, you got rid of the editing session so now it looks back to the database EVERY time I click"

ESRI: "Yeah exactly, look at this cool widget"

Arc Users: "So if I copy paste in the attribute table now it crashes the program even with 40GB of ram"

ERSI: "Well now there is a faster way to..."

Arc Users:
... and like why is changing the color of a line now a geoprocessing function that requires the program to think...

and I literally did not think you could have make the symbology GUI worse but they some how actually did.


Arc Users: "Hey could you make a 64 bit program, my computer has 8GB of ram and I have trouble with large datasets"

ERSI: "Sure thing"

8 years later

ESRI: "So here it is... shiny right, and we moved all the buttons, and *dramatic pause* because it's a 64 bit program it can handle a lot more data so we re-designed the way the program interacts with databases so there are more "features"...

Arc Users: "So wait, you got rid of the editing session so now it looks back to the database EVERY time I click"

ESRI: "Yeah exactly, look at this cool widget"

Arc Users: "So if I copy paste in the attribute table now it crashes the program even with 40GB of ram"

ERSI: "Well now there is a faster way to..."

Arc Users:

Let us geek out.

Agree with you on all accounts. I resisted for years, but I have drank the ESRI Kool-Aid and am all in on Pro now.

For raster processing and analysis it's just better. Also capable of way more cartographically. 10.8 came out a few months ago, and there will never be a 10.9.

I made this map of Elk Park a while back. Those are 1 foot contours. This dataset melted ArcMap, but in Pro I could set the line width to .1, and it came out nicely. It helps to have 64 GB of RAM.
Let us geek out.

Agree with you on all accounts. I resisted for years, but I have drank the ESRI Kool-Aid and am all in on Pro now.

For raster processing and analysis it's just better. Also capable of way more cartographically. 10.8 came out a few months ago, and there will never be a 10.9.

I made this map of Elk Park a while back. Those are 1 foot contours. This dataset melted ArcMap, but in Pro I could set the line width to .1, and it came out nicely. It helps to have 64 GB of RAM.
View attachment 171013
Why do 1 ft contours instead of hillshade?
Why do 1 ft contours instead of hillshade?

Just thought it looked cooler - almost as if it had been drawn in pencil, or at least was a style of map I'd never seen before. The county in which I live has county-wide LiDAR coverage, and I like to experiment. I feel it gives you a good idea of just how lumpy some of that country is.
Let us geek out.

Agree with you on all accounts. I resisted for years, but I have drank the ESRI Kool-Aid and am all in on Pro now.

For raster processing and analysis it's just better. Also capable of way more cartographically. 10.8 came out a few months ago, and there will never be a 10.9.

I made this map of Elk Park a while back. Those are 1 foot contours. This dataset melted ArcMap, but in Pro I could set the line width to .1, and it came out nicely. It helps to have 64 GB of RAM.

Totally true, the cart capabilities and 3D are phenomenal.

I'm not really a follow along with tutorials kinda player so the last couple of years I've been making hunt maps to learn the ropes...
Just thought it looked cooler - almost as if it had been drawn in pencil, or at least was a style of map I'd never seen before. The county in which I live has county-wide LiDAR coverage, and I like to experiment. I feel it gives you a good idea of just how lumpy some of that country is.
I like it.... has an oldschool kinda vibe or something, for whatever reason hillshades can look really computer generated.
@Nameless Range and @neffa3 I haven't figured out how to print a good 3D map, but it's cool as a visualization tool.

Drilled wells, with the perforated interval highlighted.
View attachment 171019

Love it.

I've goofed off with oblique views of mountains in Pro in 3D scenes, but it I've never made an actual map. Should give it a whirl.

Elkhorn ghost town and peak. You can really see the scars of the historic mining when all vegetation is removed.

I think you guys are really reading into this way too much. The intention is to have people follow cdc guidelines in federal property. Think about the federal properties where thousands of people work every day.
I have to disagree those people have already been wearing them for the last year and what's it done nothing. Not to mention we buckled our economy to fight a virus that has a lower kill rate than the flu did in 2019. Flu was 7.1% COVID has hovered at 2.2-2.75% They're just testing the water on how much they can get away with and conditioning our children that "don't worry the government will take care of you" There was a government in the 50's and 60's that did the same oh what was the name of it.... oh ya SOVIET UNION

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