March Madness NCAA 2025 Prize Pool Increasing! Do You Have Swag To Add?


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
Figured we'd open this early to collect prizes for 2025 March Madness NCAA hosted by HT's Yahoo commissioner, Jabber.

One bracket entered for one or both prize pool events!

1. Open to all.
  • Free entry!

2. Hunt Talk Wildlife Conservation.
  • Entry donation of minimum base membership to friend/family or made available for any here. No proof necessary. Based on the honor system.

Looking for prizes to make March Madness an event of events! PM or post up please. The more the merry!

Organizations, if you would have memberships you would like to promote for your organization to share as part of the prize pool, that would be great!

People who craft or have services that may centralize around the world fitting our forum, that would be fantastic!

Items collecting dust, great! Etc.
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Jabber and I are working together with this year's event. Jabber will host the brackets as commissioner and I'll position the prizes.

Points awarded per correct picks and associated points via Yahoo March Madness bracket system:


Prize distribution depends on the quantity of prizes Hunt Talk members pool together. Last year Jabber noted more than 200 entries!

The planned event is available for every Hunt Talk member who wants to participate:
  • 1. Open to all. No fee, no contribution required. Fun enjoyment for everyone!
  • The player with the most correctly chosen teams via points.
  • 2. Hunt Talk Wildlife Conservation entry: Honor system for enrollment.
  • Quantity of placed winners are based on prize pool and number of participants.
  • Winners are based on most correctly chosen teams, via points.


If two or more players in a group finish with the same overall point total after a national champion is crowned, we'll use the following system to break the tie (for tiebreakers, we only take predicted points into consideration):

  • First tiebreaker - Closest prediction of total points scored by both teams wins.
  • Second tiebreaker - Closest prediction for points scored by the winning team.
  • Third tiebreaker - Closest prediction for points scored by the losing team.
  • If beyond a third - If the last tiebreaker is deadlocked, the players remain tied in the standings and we'll figure something out for the "Open to all" prize. For the "Hunt Talk Wildlife Conservation" prize, please chose at least one score point different from the others.
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Looking for prizes to make March Madness an event of events! PM or post up please. The more the merry!

Organizations, if you would have memberships you would like to promote for your organization and share as part of the prize pool, that would be great!

People who craft or have services that may centralize around the world fitting our forum, that would be fantastic!

Items collecting dust, great! Etc.
RMBS Membership and swag to boot! Thanks to Oak for contributing to the March Madness Hunt Talk Wildlife Conservation event:

@Oak 's personal offer of items to build the prize pool providing a full year membership to RMBS and some good RMBS "swag" to be announced later.
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Two Fresh Tracks Subscriptions and two copies of the new elk hunting E-Guide! Thanks to Big Fin for contributing to the March Madness Hunt Talk Wildlife Conservation event:

@Big Fin 's offer to build the prize pool providing the fantastic subscriptions and his new elk hunt e-guides!

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Two RMEF "Annual Team Elk Memberships" worth $50 each that include BUGLE Magazine and an RMEF ball cap!

  • FREE FOR ALL event (1)
  • Wildlife Conservation event (1)
My offer to build the prize pool with RMEF second level memberships.

My wife is deliberating what she intends to offer to increase the prize pool. Her customized items are a fantastic addition towards our support for these great wildlife organizations and the Hunt Talk members who support these organizations.

If you have a craft, customize, or have a trade skill that would be a fitting prize(s) towards our wildlife, post or PM and we'll be sure to highlight your offering!

Organizations, These events hold valued opportunity to showcase your recent highlights! Would enjoy having you join with prizes / memberships offered!
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Wife has offered to share the same First Place prize for the Wildlife Event as offered in the Super Bowl For Wildlife event.

For the March Madness Conservation Organization entrant's prize:
  • Maple juice grooved cutting board with backside custom design and last name top center.
  • Two whiskey glasses customized with your last name and initial.
  • Two custom designed slate coasters.
  • Custom glass beer stein commemorating your win.
(Names blurred/erased for public photo)


For the Free For All event she will also add a custom glass beer stein commemorating your win.


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SELECTION SUNDAY: March 16th - Inbound!

Hunt Talk prizes to share for the enjoyment factor while promoting our wildlife organizations.

Both events are used by your single bracket entry.

Touch base with items for the Free For All and (or) the Conservation entry. Thanks everyone! I enjoy the heck out of our annual Jabber initiated, Hunt Talk NCAA March Madness! Enjoyable watch the Cinderella stories, upsets, and teams march to the top!

Personal donation entry, promoting RMBS


Fresh Tracks Subscriptions including E-Guide for Elk, promoting public land hunting


Personal entry donations, promoting RMEF


Personal entry donations, promoting wildlife oriented items
<As seen above>
The 2025 league has been setup. If you played last year you should have received an email invite. If you didn't play or didn't receive the invite you can go to the link below and register.

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