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March Madness - 2013

Shockers!!!! Home town boys in final four. Way to go fellas. Here's hoping coach Marshall will do the Shaka Smart thing and stay put.
If Shaka Smart had took the UCLA job, maybe UCLA would have left Steve Alford alone. Alford had just signed a 10 year extension with the New Mexico Lobos. UCLA paid alot of dollars, but Alford had a great job here..

Did I mention that I put the Lobos in the final four and they lost to Tommy Amador's Harvard team. I thought Amador was a better fit for UCLA.

Looking at some of the leaders picks, it is still a dogfight as to who will win. May the best woman or man win!
Shockers!!!! Home town boys in final four. Way to go fellas. Here's hoping coach Marshall will do the Shaka Smart thing and stay put.

Amen Brother! I was 4 the last time they made a final four and knew several of the guys on the 81 team that made the elite eight.

A really great run for a super bunch of kids. A couple of my kids are friends with Malcom Armstead and he a very good kid.
I am tied for second in my pool.....but I am well done....stick a fork in me...only had L'ville to round of four and don't have them advancing....when you get thru sticking a fork in me....fork MI!
Well played Shockers. Quality coaching and playing. From my couch there were a couple of iffy zebra whistles or non-whistles.
I have Louisville in the final. I'm still in, however, it's hard to see what Hunttalkers are still in the contest with all the other addons that joined.

good luck to all
the dog
I made it all the way back to 30th. Yeah! Don't ever pick you alma mater to win, UNM Lobos. It doesn't work. Curious, I know I am probably not prize eligible. On daily, but do not post (lurker). Who in the top 5 is Hunt Talk eligible?
Two possibilities exist.

Andy H. wins if Louisville wins.


Jammaster is the winner if Michigan wins.

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