Kenetrek Boots

Man, I've Been Waiting For This!

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
A friend of mine that has quite a number of videos that feature Montana hunting and fishing came out and fished with me a while back. I swore him to secrecy on this particular place, and he has honored our agreement. However, I hope you guys enjoy his video of this tiny slice of heaven here in Montana. He did all the video work and I did all the still photos. Together I think we have an enjoyable few minutes of paradise recorded. :)
That is a sweet afternoon's respite from the cares of the world. Thanks for sharing.

I wonder if culling a few of those fish would help the rest of them......head v body size makes some of those fish a bit stunted?
kansasdad, I've wondered the same thing. We took two limits out of there last year because we thought it might help. I'm not sure taking more will help much or not. The pond is fairly high up and I just don't know how much they have to eat in there. I'd hate to be a minnow in that pond. The crazy thing is the pond is actually on public land but accessing it is pert near impossible from public land side because it's so incredibly rough reaching it. Lot's of straight down cliffs and nasty slippery lose shell like rock. In the summer time though I stay they heck out of there as it's a friggen rattle snake pit. Homie don't do rattle-me-snakes! I'm glad I have an alternative way to get there.
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