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Man do I hate ATV's


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
...or should I say irresponsible riders of ATV's.

I was out bear hunting this morning and traveled through a mess of camp sites along the road. I was surprised how many ATV's were in nearly every camp site. Luckily this morning I heard none of them where I was hunting, but on the way out, WOW.

Axl and I were pretty thirsty, so I stopped at the first stream access. While I was there hydrating, some ass-clown (is that term patented yet?) from just across the stream pulled his ATV into the stream and started driving down the middle of it. Not thinking, I didn't take a picture. After about a mile down the road I decided to come back and at least get some pics for you guys.

When I arrived the second time the ATV herd had grown and now several of the vermin were in the creek. I stopped on the bridge to get some shots, but they new something was up and they pulled out of the creek. Big deal, they were still breaking the law by traveling off-road in a restricted area.

Here was the start of another illegal trail that should look pretty permanent by the end of the weekend.

And here is a nice ramp.

Actually these riders headed away from me were doing nothing wrong, but I couldn't resist. Between the three of them I am sure they were over the 1/2 ton mark.

BTW, this is about two miles from the stream incident and the guy behind me followed me after watching me take pictures. I thought it might be interesting to pull over and clean my rifle along the road since I had taken a shot earlier in the morning, but that is another story. :D hint, hint, there is a dead bear in my pick-up as well. :D
Congratulations on your bear Craig, even though there are these sorts out there...

I always have the camera ready in case I can catch a couple out in this area I frequent and keep finding their tracks in...
Here's today's guest editorial: "Off-highway vehicles disrupt nesting, birthing and wintering wildlife. They cause soil erosion, weed invasion and, increasingly, wildfires. Weeds are a particular threat. Disturbed soils of roads and OHV trails act as conduits for the spread of weeds transported by vehicles. Grazing livestock crisscross roads and carry weed seeds into the hinterlands in their fur, dung or mud on hooves, and weeds explode across the landscape.

Roads provide jumping-off points for OHV use, extending motorized use and renegade trails into new areas. As road networks spawned by agency projects creep outward, OHVs gain access to new country. On public lands across the West, construction and maintenance of livestock facilities has carved the landscape with roads. Maps of Jarbidge BLM lands show an astonishing tangle of roads that are the direct result of livestock projects for Simplot and a handful of other public-lands ranchers..........................."
Miller where is the "enforcement"? was there a game ranger in or near the area? how about a 1-800 # to report the jerks?

It just shows the fact that you can close access and pass regs/laws all you want but they won`t be effective without "enforcement"

We have a bunch of polititions who pass "feel good" laws and then do nothing to enforce them.....i hear Buzz/ithaca and others say [another nail in the coffin] etc,etc...but i don`t see it.. the ATV`s just keep coming and i see more and more of them... sales are up...i wish they wern`t.
The numbers 1800 TIP MONT

I just used it the other day to turn in some fellers putting fish in a cooler on a water way where it is catch and release only...
Must be taking a hell of alot of nails...because Miller just showed us fresh pics.... and its not about to stop [without strict enforcement]... so keep pounding with those "imaginary" hammers and invisible nails.

Let me know when the government gets serious about enforcing its laws.
cjcj- You of all people should know about pounding invisible nails in non-existant coffins!
Miller ,
Did you notice if the creek runners had fishing poles ? Maybe it's the lazy slobs version of road hunting .

cjcj ,
I camped in the Lassen National Forest this last weekend and got to enjoy the relaxing hum of internal combustion engines all day , very similar to Millers pictures .When I asked the ranger about it she told me there was not one thing she could do about them , on-road or off-road they're still legal . She also said that she 'dreams of the day' she can enforce off-road restrictions . Until then the lazy slobs will tear up as much national forest as they can .

And I'll continue to hate them !
MattK said:
cjcj- You of all people should know about pounding invisible nails in non-existant coffins!

Another Garble from Matthew that has absolutly no meaning whatsoever hump

Fairbenchasen.. i hate them too hump ...When they pull the bullshit they do....i just get sick of seeing nothing being done to stop it...but if its legal its legal... what can ya do.....i`m just talking about enforcing the laws [millers pics] :) |oo

I have called the sheriff many time on a couple of inconsiderate assholes on atv`s that haul ass down my irrigation road...these inconsiderate pricks throw a ton of dust in the air... but i`m told its a legal right of way so they can`t do i have confronted most of them....and tried to "get their attention"... but there are still a couple who will love driving over my dogshit traps [perfectly legal] hump

I have seen times where officials have not done much for enforcement as well. Frustrating for sure.


What the heck is a dogshit trap?
Dogshit traps, whew, that's getting aggressive, it sounds like. I'd put them off road, if I had a lot of dogshit. You would be less likely to get in trouble for that, I would think. Congratulations, a bear!
MarvB said:
What did Tom say :confused:

Marv, Sometimes when Tom posts you have to pretend you are listening to the Master Jedi, Yoda: "Get to his point, hmm, sometime Tom will!!!"

Hows that song go...

I'm a victim of dyslexia... I can't tell my right left my from... Sometimes however when I string words together the order keeps wronging out come... :D

All in fun Tom... I undstood you... ;)

Whats a dogchit trap?
I can only imagine what a dogchit trap is. cjcj makes them, it sounds like, for ATV's that he doesn't like, it sounds like. I hate that too when all those ATVs are where they are not supposed to be. Its encouraging that mtmiller got a bear somewhere around there. I don't get that, was it on the way back or something or actually in the area where you hunted? How far apart were the bear and the ATVs? Pretty far, or was the bear just over the hill?
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