Man do I hate ATV's

Its encouraging that mtmiller got a bear somewhere around there. I don't get that, was it on the way back or something or actually in the area where you hunted? How far apart were the bear and the ATVs? Pretty far, or was the bear just over the hill?

|oo |oo Not that this has any relavance, but the bear was shot about 3-4 miles from where the ATV vs. stream picture was taken and probably 1.5 miles from any road. This area is not accessable be even the best off off-roads as was slapped in the face most of the way by tree branches.

Let's say the bear was shot on the bank, 100 yards from where the ATVer's were. Does this make what is occurring OK? :confused:
I must have a slow connection Moosie's confusing me!

Just how do you "sntach" somebody??? ...maybe with a dogchit trap?

Pronunciation: 'stnach
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): took /'tuk/; tak·en /'tA-k&n/; tak·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tacan, from Old Norse taka; akin to Middle Dutch taken to take
transitive senses
1 : to get into one's hands or into one's possession, power, or control: as a : to seize or capture physically <took them as prisoners> b : to get possession of (as fish or game) by killing or capturing c (1) : to move against (as an opponent's piece in chess) and remove from play (2) : to win in a card game <able to take 12 tricks> d : to acquire by eminent domain
Ohhhh you mean S-N-A-T-C-H !!

...could think of a couple of other definitions but they might not be appropriate here....with gunner taking a break, Nemont and I are the new spelling police :D
Ok, great, I was thinking maybe the ATVs attract bears or something like that was part of the story there. You clarified it. 4-5 miles where an ATV can't go, now that makes more sense. See I say???? Huh? Quiet One spells like Moosie, I've noticed that in a few of her posts.
A dogshit trap is a "special brew" that i whip up [long stick]

It works great on roads, like my irrigation road where inconsiderate ATV riders stir up dust.

I dig a small trench about 12 inches wide and 3 inches deep all of the way across the road.
my mother has 8 greyhounds left and my sister runs a kennel so i can get all of the dogshit i want.

The secret is to add a cheap vegetable OIL to about 25-30 lbs of dogshit... and spread this in the trench on the road....and when they [atvs ]run over it... the stinky vile brew gets all over them and the atv`s. for some reason they don`t come down my road anymore... i have two new kids who will get their baptism if i see them again... haven`t had a problem lately .
cjcj said:
A dogshit trap is a "special brew" that i whip up [long stick]

It works great on roads, like my irrigation road where inconsiderate ATV riders stir up dust.

I dig a small trench about 12 inches wide and 3 inches deep all of the way across the road.
my mother has 8 greyhounds left and my sister runs a kennel so i can get all of the dogshit i want.

The secret is to add a cheap vegetable OIL to about 25-30 lbs of dogshit... and spread this in the trench on the road....and when they [atvs ]run over it... the stinky vile brew gets all over them and the atv`s. for some reason they don`t come down my road anymore... i have two new kids who will get their baptism if i see them again... haven`t had a problem lately .

LOL cjcj I LOVE that! hump
CJ...that's some wet nasty work! I don't know who you're punishing more..the atv'rs or yourself. :D :D :D
cjcj- Laws have to be made before they can be enforced. Much of the Salt Lake BLM district is open to all-travel. Johnny Law can't do much more than watch. Also, for a place to be 'officially' closed there's quite a few steps that have to be taken; maps made, decisions issued, signs put in the ground. Plus, new laws have to be made for the better idiots!
I agree 1 pt...1st things 1st....But how many times do we hear about atv`s ignoring the law? how about Millers post? I wonder how long it was illegal to ride where he took those pic`s? :confused:

Not to change the subject.. but we have punks down here in AZ that will steal a car and run from the cops.. causing Mahem on the roads... and it almost always turns out... that little "Pedro" or 'Johnny" has 5-10 convictions for grand theft auto..W.T.F.

But pay attention to your news .. most of the criminals [all kinds] have a long, long record of their crimes.[how many did they get away with?]

In Az they make excuses like ..we don`t have room in the jail system... But then they turn right around and Tax people for a $400 milion stadium for the AZ Cardinals.......I just have seen laws,and laws and more laws... without any teeth [enforcment] and its all bullshit without it. :MAD
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