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Lucky me


New member
Jan 9, 2001
Shoshoni WY
I recieved a call last night from the old fart as I call him and he asked if I would like to go hunt a deer on a ranch by Buffalo WY. He has access and just wanted someone to go with him and lucky me I am the one he asked. It is for a white tail and I guess they are thicker than flys on this place. He said the rancher told him we could only come if we kill something. I am unsure of the quality but he said that one with a 23.5 inch spread was taken last we and they were just driving around to get that one. This is great for the O F as he is 71 and kind of crippled up. I plan on taking my call and rattle horns so I can try to call one in like last year.
i am back

Well I am back and I had a great time. The old fart was able to get a average 4x4 white tail and it was his first. He has killed lots of big mule deer and he was very happy with his buck. I turned down 3 average 4x4 white tails and ended up killing a small 2x2 that still had milk on his lips. I did not kill him with my 358 win because I fell and messed up the scope. So I used my 300 win that I took along just in case. The weather was very windy and the deer were very hard to locate. I was able to call two deer but again no giants. I did see some very good mule deer on the one ranch. One of the was well over 30+. All of you would just die if you saw the deer horns hanging on the fence and barn. I believe that at least 6 of the deer would be over 200 class with on having a 12 inch drop horn. That alone made the 2 day trip.