Caribou Gear Tarp

Lucky Draw CA Pig Hunt - Shotgun Options Help


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2022
Hey Y’all,

Its my lucky day! Friend and I just got notified that we drew a pig hunt!! Im not usually lucky at drawing stuff so feeling pretty good. Now, doing some logistics cause it is shotgun and archery only. We have 2 days to hunt and can each shoot 2 pigs. Neither of us have rifled shotguns, and being in lovely CA, we must be lead free. Lead free rifled slugs are harder to find than bigfoot riding a unicorn. So heres our options and if anyone has some leads, Id appreciate the help/knowledge.

- Mossberg 500 Rifled Barrel 12ga
We each have this gun, not the rifled barrel, barrels are discontinued and hard to find now. Would prefer the iron site but cantilever would work too. $$$

-lead free rifled slugs $

-Carlson rifled choke tube with a sabot copper slug. Anyone have any experience with this option? They are in stock for my benelli. $$

-Rifled barrel for a benelli $$$$ would rather not but its an option

-New gun - Sounds great but again $$$$ and im trying not to blow my hunting budget on pigs, or piss off my wife lol. Have some elk and deer hunts planned.

Thanks guys! I have a month to put this together. Appreciate the HT Army’s help!
Another thought - our benelli’s are semi auto vs mossbergs being pump. I think, but dont know, that the full rifled barrel is much better than a rifled choke tube, but even as fast as i am with a pump, the semi will be slightly faster.

Id assume shots of 50 yards or less, maybe 75-100 at the very max.
Is that the Joice Island hunt? Is archery out of the equation?
Not going to say what hunt, but if you know then you know.

Archery is not out of the equation at all. We will be hunting with bows and shotguns. Whether I can carry both at the same time is a (stupid CA) question I will have to find the answer to in the regs (probably not). Given the marshy terrain and thick brush, Id expect some close range fast shooting action on the run.
Rifles slugs if you're just shooting 50 yards.
Thats my first choice but Im not finding any that are lead free…. Winchester Super X Lead Free Rifled Slugs 12ga, 2.75”, 1450 fps, .75oz - only one Ive seen manufactured, and sold out everywhere Ive looked so far.
If you can find the lead free slugs I wouldn't be afraid to use those in a smooth barrel with the Benelli. I shot a doe in IL a couple of years ago with a similar set up on my Nova. I put a ghost ring sight on it and can get 4 in or better groups at 100 yards. 50 yds and in I am extremely confident with it.
keep your eye out for these copper slugs. They are lead free and I was able to find 3 boxes here in NY last month.


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The blue box was what I shot in my 11-87 and they are the Monolit. Shot well with iron sights on paper. Buddy used one and said it had no damage other than the O rings after traveling through a deer he shot with ones I gave him.
Thanks guys. Went to all the local stores around here since we cant ship ammo in commiefornia. Cleaned them out and have 3 different slugs to test now. Hornady copper slugs, the dupleks monolit steel slug, and I have a handful of remington copper slugs lying around. All sabot style. The quickest, cheapest fix for our shotguns was to put a carlson rifled choke on the end of the smoothbore. Now we just need to test the 3 slug brands and see what works best.

We will be bringing bows along but for me, I will probably stick to the shotgun. Unfortunately I injured my foot and my mobility is now impaired - having trouble walking. So in 3 weeks, hoping I can at least hobble a mile or so to shoot a few pigs. I have 2 friends to help pack out and process.
Thanks guys. Went to all the local stores around here since we cant ship ammo in commiefornia. Cleaned them out and have 3 different slugs to test now. Hornady copper slugs, the dupleks monolit steel slug, and I have a handful of remington copper slugs lying around. All sabot style. The quickest, cheapest fix for our shotguns was to put a carlson rifled choke on the end of the smoothbore. Now we just need to test the 3 slug brands and see what works best.

We will be bringing bows along but for me, I will probably stick to the shotgun. Unfortunately I injured my foot and my mobility is now impaired - having trouble walking. So in 3 weeks, hoping I can at least hobble a mile or so to shoot a few pigs. I have 2 friends to help pack out and process.
Good luck on the hunt.
FYI you can have online ammo shipped to your local FFL and then pick it up.
Good luck on the hunt.
FYI you can have online ammo shipped to your local FFL and then pick it up.
Thanks. Yea I know. Just extra fees and a lack of time. Already $200 in for 50 shots…. Mind blowing prices. We have less than a month to get it done. On top of my injury we have a lot of snow coming…. Cant complain that the lakes are filling up though.
I've found the Remington copper slugs to shoot well out of my Mossy 500 many years ago culling deer in a slug only state.
Good luck and post pics!
How hard could it be to find the unit? Just posting this you put a spotlight on it.
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