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Who regularly hunts deer with a shotgun?

I used shotguns with slugs for many years in Ohio. I never had a specialized shotgun for the but I did have a rifled barrel with a scope for it. Same shotgun I used for dove, quail and turkeys in the south. For my annual hunt in Ohio we have moved on to straitwall Rifles. So I no longer use my shotgun there.

For some years I lived in SC and occasionally would get invited to hunt deer with dogs.
We used shotguns with buckshot on those hunts.

When I first started hunting wild hogs in Florida back in the mid. 80s I was next to broke and for the first couple years couldn't afford a rifle so I used my Remington 1100 smooth bore with Rottweille Brenneke rifled slugs.

I killed many deer and hogs with my shotguns. They are effective at the right ranges.
In my mind you cant beat a centerfire rifle for killing deer.
I do. Hogs and deer. I bought out SlugRUs when they decided to sell. Should be up and running soon.
I use a Mossberg 500 with hornady sst slugs in January extended doe season here in pa. A very accurate combo
Jesus h christ you dweeb. We're talking twigs and branches, environments that are not wide open paper punching shots, and we ain't talking shooting blind into brush like we're whacking our way through a disco bar in the 70s.

Hence the point vs aim. Like bird hunting, it's over your head.

You articles, I stopped reading when the author got to writing this:

"Now, I don’t do a whole lot of hunting myself. I’m not in any position to offer much advice about that topic."
I choose not to respond for the following reasons: taking the lord's name in vain, personal insults, and improper grammar.
I started hunting with slug gun in late 60's in upstate NY with smooth bore 870. Close range dictated by if you could hit a paper plate. Rifled slug barrels were not around then PLUS not legal which was crazy to start with. Eventually everything changed.

Fast forward a life time and I shoot a 870 3", 24" bull barrel Hastings, Remington thumbhole stock set, Timney trigger spring conversion (2.5lb). Even though straight wall allowed, I still hunt with this set up. Why? I hunt swamps on public land and want the buck DRT which my slug provides best opportunity for that.

I have been reloading the Hammerhead slug for close to 20 years from Rich Knoster (RIP my friend) and it is incredibly accurate. My set up will shoot HONEST 2" groups at 100 yds with his 1 1/4 oz slug. The load is a crisp 1450 fps so it hits like freight train too. I bought several hundred so still have enough for a while. Reloading slugs insures you never have to worry about lot to lot consistency. Plus tune accuracy to your slug gun. No different than metallic reloading. Unfortunately his passing resulted in company closure. However the good news is it was bought and reopening in TX soon. I hope.

Last decent buck killed on MI public with this set up in 2019. Been hunting IN rifle lease since then.

The ironic twist to me still shooting slugs is I authored the straight wall rifle for MI in May 2009 though it took 5 freaking years to get it into NRC due to DNR opposition.

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Exact same shotgun setup I shoot! Tack driver
Dude, you responded to say you’re not responding? Jesus is watching you………….
I know. His birthday is coming up. Rejoice! :) That is correct, I waited 17 days to respond. The meaning of the number 17 In the Bible is that of "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory." Happy Holidays!
I know. His birthday is coming up. Rejoice! :) That is correct, I waited 17 days to respond. The meaning of the number 17 In the Bible is that of "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory." Happy Holidays!
Much like my step dad, who was born Jan 2, has symbolically celebrated his birthday June 2, so to not be shortchanged presents given the proximity to another symbolic birthdate, christmas. A tradition he's done since his parents decided such. However, June 2 is as much my step-dads birthday as December 25 is Jesus Christo's.

I used 82 consonants, because 82 in the prince James version said that's when I play the trump card against users of 17. And according to PJV, palms up-82 down, your God sits at the same table as mine, but mine always wins at euchre.

However, if you are interested to know the last thing Jesus historically said at the last supper before grabbing the bill (I heard he wasnt a good tipper, unemployed hippy n all) was:

"OK everyone, this side of the table, we're taking a picture, Paul father-damnit, get over here...youd lose your head if it wasnt attached".

Merry Christmas 🎅
BTW, the .350 Legend leaves a lot to be desired. 450 BM is a far better option. I wouldn’t allow 350’s on my ranch.

Winchester missed the mark with the 350L. So much so, they came out with a 400 Legend.
The term "brush gun" is silliness. Any object between you and your target will likely deflect the bullet in some fashion. Use whatever weapon is legal in your area and gives you the best chance to ethically harvest an animal.
Huh, must be more than one definition for a "brush gun". I think of a brush gun not as something that can shoot through brush but rather something that can be maneuvered through brush. I will take a 16 inch barreled carbine through thick brush well before a 24" barreled suppressed rifle. There is no silliness in the term when it is defined correctly.

Anyone that thinks a bullet path won't be altered at all when it hits an object is probably pretty clueless about physics in general.
Huh, must be more than one definition for a "brush gun". I think of a brush gun not as something that can shoot through brush but rather something that can be maneuvered through brush. I will take a 16 inch barreled carbine through thick brush well before a 24" barreled suppressed rifle. There is no silliness in the term when it is defined correctly.
I loved my old youth magnum express 870 for these reasons alone.

Anyone that thinks a bullet path won't be altered at all when it hits an object is probably pretty clueless about physics in general.
I think the conversation was more how much deflection is present vs the composition of the projectile, though some took that as shooting blindly through brush.

Either way, agreed
BTW, the .350 Legend leaves a lot to be desired. 450 BM is a far better option. I wouldn’t allow 350’s on my ranch.

Winchester missed the mark with the 350L. So much so, they came out with a 400 Legend.

This doe shot with a 350 Legend would most likely disagree with your assessment.

I loved my old youth magnum express 870 for these reasons alone.

I think the conversation was more how much deflection is present vs the composition of the projectile, though some took that as shooting blindly through brush.

Either way, agreed
There’s a video on brush guns.


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