Kenetrek Boots

Low recoil loads for muzzleloader

+1, especially if you can get your hands on a decent auto loader.

Tried it last year while bird hunting he wants nothing to do with that 1100 now, once he gets that in his head im not sure how it will be. I'm just trying to keep it fun for him he's a nervous kid as it is.
i started my son on 50g of 777 with 180 grain white hot bullets(not made anymore). We shot at a big water jug from work fountain. He had been scared from shooting friends AR cause it wacked him. I think he couldnt see through the scope so got cheek up off of stock. We put a leather cheek pad from cabelas on what ever he shoots. Had him shoot another friends AR and after having to do a lot of convincing he would be fine he started shooting like ammo costs nothing. We then went to 60 grains and then up to a 200 grain bullet from t/c. This time i said he could go hunting for a buck if he hit 12inch target we were at 75 yards off shooting sticks. I told him to picture a big buck with double drop tines and lots of junk cause he likes bucks like that. He hit the circle. We hunted the youth gun season with that load and were 10 min too late on second day to the stand. 7 deer were under it and two were kind of in way to the stand. Well he was disappointed but shot gun when got home and said that wasnt too bad. Next time we went out said put 70g in cause i told him i would only let him shoot how many yards in grains of powder we had in. He learned a lesson about letting gun hit stand rail and buck ran off in regular gun season. We still have 4 days of muzzleloader in january coming up so we will se what happens. I was suprized that when we shot a jug with the tc shockwave spite point 200 gr deflected while going through a plastic jug. he hit really high and missed water in it and bullet was probably 20deg of to right on exit.
Should update this I guess, we used 70 grains of loose powder and it worked great he tagged out on opening day and couldnt of been happier!20171117_170126.jpg
Has anyone shot any of these lower powder/bullet weight loads through a chronograph? I would love to see data at 50 and 100 yards to see what actual energy is to properly set limit for shooting a deer for my young hunter.
Caribou Gear

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