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Loose dogs on the hunting property

Never will understand that.
Some people get it in there head that farmer/rancher will find the dog and give it a good home where the dog can run free. It is just a bad idea, more often than not by the time you find the dog it is starving. One time I found a real sweet dog on the road, no collar but it was clear that it was no stray. Thirsty, hungry scared and desperate for someone to save it. I hope someone gave it a good home.
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Some people get it in there head that farmer/rancher will find the dog and give it a good home where the dog can run free. It is just a bad idea, more often than not by the time you find the dog it is starving. One time I found a real sweet dog on the road, not collar but it was clear that it was no stray. Thirsty, hungry scared and desperate for someone to save it. I hope someone gave it a good home.
My earliest childhood memory is my old man stopping to pick one up someone had dumped by our place. I remember him jumping in the truck and I asked "did you get him dad?" To which he replied " no, but that son of a bitch almost got me!" As we peeled out. Never forget that. Half of ours or my grandma's dogs growing up were dogs that someone else had dumped off. Never understood it either.
Some people get it in there head that farmer/rancher will find the dog and give it a good home where the dog can run free. It is just a bad idea, more often than not by the time you find the dog it is starving. One time I found a real sweet dog on the road, not collar but it was clear that it was no stray. Thirsty, hungry scared and desperate for someone to save it. I hope someone gave it a good home.
Maybe my favorite Fresh Tracks episode is when Uncle Randy finds a half-starved pup in New Mexico and burns half a day taking it to town to get taken care of.
Maybe my favorite Fresh Tracks episode is when Uncle Randy finds a half-starved pup in New Mexico and burns half a day taking it to town to get taken care of.
2014: My wife and I are out in Moab, doing some light wheeling in our FJC with our dogs. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere we see paw prints in the ground and maybe an hour later of driving around we see a cattle dog about 200 yards out standing on a little rise in the road.

I stop the FJ, grab the binoculars and sure enough, dog has a collar on it. I whistle at the dog and get out with a dog bowl, water and treats.

45 minutes later...and my Alpha girl Audrey getting to meet the dog, we pick it up and throw it in the back and start to head to town, stopping at every campground we can find on the way. My wife starts making phone calls, chasing one lead after another...and finally we think we have it.

Turns out the Owner is an old retired cowhand. He had been grazing a herd on public lands and got run off...his dog wasn't to be found. That was 2 weeks prior...we keep chasing calls and find out the guy (who's normally out in the field with the herd with no contact) is actually on his way back into Moab. Long story short...


Yeah, and cowboys don't cry.

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