Looking for used compound bow in CO


New member
Mar 18, 2016
Hi all,

I'm looking to buy my first bow but a new compound bow is out of my budget right now. I live in Denver, CO and am looking to buy a used bow off someone. Looking for a bow in decent condition that would not need much work before it's ready to shoot.

Having a few arrows and other accessories is a plus. Obviously, I'm willing to pay a fair price for anything included.

If you have one to sell, please message me with your asking price.

Happy Hunting'!
Any archery shops in your area? They might have used bows, or maybe an archery only forum.
Lots of guys think they have to have a new bow just because the one they have is a couple of years old.
There is always a lot of used compounds on the "Archery Talk" forum. But like Gr8 I suggest going to a local archery shop, if for nothing else but to make sure you know correct draw length, etc. They to can help set the bow up with the needed sight, rest, etc.
I may have something, but I'd need to know your draw length and expected draw weight.
Archery Talk has many used bows for sale all the time. Most usually include shipping in their prices. It is a good resource for used bows.
I'd trust bowsite before archery talk, but that's just me.

Drive south to the Springs and talk to these guys~ http://thearcheryhut.com/

I have done over 500 transactions over the last 14 years on Archerytalk and never had a single issue bought dozens of bows. Just pay with paypal and use a little common sense and you will be fine.
I still use my bow that I bought in 2002. It still shoots great and I even have the original string on it. (Fred Bear Epic Extreme 302fps IBO) https://secretstorages.com/best-compound-bow/

I dont think I can recommend you go to a pro shop and buy a brand new bow unless you are absolutely sure you want to get into and stay into archery. The initial buy can be quite expensize by the time you get the bow set up and buy arrows and a release. UNless you find an outfit already fully equipped you can start handing out the benjamins.

Personally id find someone who knows archery equipment and look around at used ones and spend a couple hundred until you know this is something you will really enjoy.

Ive been shooting a compound bow since i was about 7 or 8 years old and i have really lost the joy of shooting in the last few years. After 20 years of archery, 14 of those archery hunting I have lost the intrigue. I blame it more on the loss of interest in hunting in general but just going out and shooting my bow is the last thinig I really want to do anymore.
Caribou Gear

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