Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Looking for suggestions on a new caliber


Jul 21, 2024
I currently own a 25-06 and a 338 win mag. I’m looking to possibly get a caliber for more deer like game. So something definitely bigger than the 25-06 that has more ammo available.
Welcome to the forum.

Around here in PA, if you say 25-06 for deer, you'll get a lot of people agreeing with that choice.

The 338 Win Mag is really overkill.
Yeah, there's only one level of dead, but it's akin to using a Sherman tank.

That's not to say I won't help enable you to buy a new rifle. Lol

I currently hunt with 7 different 25 caliber cartridges, and 5 different 7mm cartridges.
Ok, plus my 45-70. Lol
I really need to get more doe tags.

I'm sure you're about to get an overwhelming amount of Creedmoor and PRC cartridges thrown at you.

But if you want good performance on deer & larger game, the 280AI is hard to beat.
It's interesting how cartridge selection has evolved in the last 10 years or so. All of a sudden the established cartridges are deemed inadequate. I don't feel like I am handicapped because I haven't jumped to the new popular and so called "better" offerings. mtmuley
I don’t know who deemed the .270 inadequate. Probably the same frogs who leg hump the 6.8 western.

Jack O’Connor loved the .270. And for good reason.
I got 1 gun that I hunt with. I’ll probably have a custom spun together next year mainly because I know a guy and I’m gonna be burning a pile of points. That being said if it was me instead of looking at a specific caliber I’d look into bullet selection and find a bullet that performs the way you want them look into how far you want to shoot and what it needs for real world performance.
I currently own a 25-06 and a 338 win mag. I’m looking to possibly get a caliber for more deer like game. So something definitely bigger than the 25-06 that has more ammo available.
25-06 perfect for mule deer in the west. For whitetail in the woods of the Midwest go with classic 30-30.
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With the two rifles you have already you are pretty much ready to tackle anything. You don’t neeeed a new rifle, you want a new rifle.
I completely understand.
I’d say pick something that interests you. Based off your criteria of ammo availability you might consider .308, 7mm-08, 30-06. There’s a bunch more that are interesting but the ammo availability is limiting.
Plenty of 6.5 needsmore around but you sound like a pretty intelligent guy so that one is out. 😂
I'm never one to talk a guy out of a new rifle, but a 25-06 is about as perfect of a deer rifle as they make, IMO.

I like the 270, 280, 708 and 308. I doubt you could see any meaningful different from the 25-06 though. 280 is my favorite, but ammo would be harder to find.

Seems like there is piles of 6.5 CMs out there and lots of ammo. I killed lots of deer quite dead with a 260.
The 25-06 is pretty dang good for any deer out there. What exactly do you want this new cartridge to do that the 25-06 isn't capable?

What new rifle are you wanting to get? I'm all for a new gun. What cartridges does that gun come in?
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