Looking for paid access in 411 or 535


New member
Feb 9, 2019
SW, Washington
I drew a 411-20 tag and am interested in finding paid access ranches to hunt on in either of those units. I plan to archery hunt but be picky and then rifle hunt if need be. I'm accomplished and capable so not really interested in a guided experience but could be talked into one if the conditions were right. I'd appreciate any leads. Thank you.
So, you didn’t want to waste burning the points on 380 so you could draw this tag ? I’m confused
This thread is a classic. Ah, the memories.

This thread is a classic. Ah, the memories.

Thanks for that. Love reading these locked posts.
Mr Newberg, if we go get a coffee and you help me understand elk feed and some of our local areas, I promise I won’t throw you under the bus 😉😅
I would like someone to direct me to a lease where I can hunt 400” bulls in an easy to draw archery unit? I know some guys that got one in 535 it’s like 6 of them at 5-6k a piece they aren’t going anywhere good luck finding one post draw
My email name is 400orbust which is why I used that as my handle here. Do I expect to ever get a 400 bull? No. I don't. The point is I'm going to hunt elk until I can't. Neither did I ask where to hunt a 400" bull. I simply asked if there is paid access in these units that anyone knows about.

As far as my points...I burned my points a few years ago and got a nice bull. I was simply building points this year with no expectation of drawing...was a surprise to me. I know this is an easy archery draw and I plan to archery hunt it but I have the rifle tag...not as easy of a draw which is the reason for my question.

So again I ask...is there paid access to either of these units that anyone knows about?
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My email name is 400orbust which is why I used that as my handle here. Do I expect to ever get a 400 bull? No. I don't. The point is I'm going to hunt elk until I can't. Neither did I ask where to hunt a 400" bull. I simply asked if there is paid access in these units that anyone knows about.
lol you got to relax a bit esp being new on here if you can't take a joke maybe try decaf in the future.
I would go to the N Bar ranch headquarters on Flatwillow Rd, knock on the door and introduce yourself, and maybe offer to fix fence or help out with other jobs around the ranch. They’re down to earth folks that should be happy to help you out.

Hope you get a big old bull for cheap. Don’t shoot anything under 380.

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