Kenetrek Boots

Looking for new bino harness need suggestion!

Bino Bro Pro hunter by Oregon Pack Works, have been using and I love it. Also it doesn't feel like a flava flav clock around your neck after all day of mountain hunting.
I have tried the badlands, S4 Lockdown and now the KUIU. The KUIU is superior to the other two in my mind. There are still a couple things I dont like about the KUIU, but it does the job. I have heard great things about the AGC and FHF, but have not been able to try either. In August Brian and Arron from the Grittybowman tested and compared the Alaskan Guide Creations, Marsupial Gear and Sitka Gear Bino Harness. it might be worth a listen. Arron can be really hard and gear and is usually a pretty good reference.

I have badlands, KUIU, and fhf.
Badlands dumped my binos multiple times. Junk
KUIU lid semi works and the bag shifts around some.
Fhf lid opens the wrong way, pain in the rear. Good other than that.
Marsupial gear is next on my list.

WapitiBob, I'm curious why you said the "lid semi works". If it is what I am thinking there is a simple fix.
I came across a Black Friday add for Sportsmans warehouse and looks like they will have the Vortex guide bono case for $50 till Sunday. I understand that the Vortex guide case is an AGC classic with Vortex branding. For $50 I’m going to give them a try.
I have tried the badlands, S4 Lockdown and now the KUIU. The KUIU is superior to the other two in my mind. There are still a couple things I dont like about the KUIU, but it does the job. I have heard great things about the AGC and FHF, but have not been able to try either. In August Brian and Arron from the Grittybowman tested and compared the Alaskan Guide Creations, Marsupial Gear and Sitka Gear Bino Harness. it might be worth a listen. Arron can be really hard and gear and is usually a pretty good reference.

WapitiBob, I'm curious why you said the "lid semi works". If it is what I am thinking there is a simple fix.

When you flip the lid forward, you have to practically turn it inside out to get it to stay down otherwise it moves back up making it a two handed operation to put the binos back in. Not as bad as the Badlands which always flops closed. My other peev was the thing always shifted to one side. The FHF lid needed to be tucked into the harness to be a one hand operation, which doesn't work if you have an adapter plate on the binos.
Marsupial gear fixes all my complaints, allegedly, as I haven't sprung for it yet.
I use the harness mostly for archery tournaments, taking binos out a cpl hundred times a day. Little things become annoyances after a few weekends.
I ran the outdoor vision ridgetop harness this year and loved it, opens forward and is one hand operational, fully enclosed, I think it fits your bill.
FHF has a great product. And you can buy a handy little matching case for your rangefinder that fits right to the right (or left) of your binos. Durable and dependable. Had mine 3 years and I love it
:W:I have a Marsupial Gear setup loved it until the temperature dropped, then it got real noisy, works well and no other complaints. No GPS pouch available last I checked.
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I bought the Vortex Glasspack this year and used it for a full hunting season in Northwest and Southwest Montana. It has a lot of the same design features as other more expensive harnesses. However, I have decided that I cannot recommend it. (I actually did a video review of this on YouTube, but I don't think we're allowed to post URLs in this forum.) There are 3 design flaws for hunters:
1. The tethering straps for the binoculars slip out, and I had my binoculars fall twice because of it!
2. The quick-detach clips on the tethering straps are loose and rattle loudly when you move or when they touch the binos, which is not good in stealth situations.
3. The harness is very bulky and can interfere with proper placement of a rifle against your shoulder OR drawing your bow.
I bought the Alaskan Guide Creations for my 1st Elk hunt this year ( just tug along to help my friend )
Mine had the stretch webbed pocket on the lid (cell phone pocket) I used this for my phoneskope holder.
It also has the rangefinder pocket on lower front panel.
Our host who owned the cabin and essentially guided us really liked it and it fit his 10X42's = I gave it to him as a thank you gift.

My friend who did have the tag needed the A.G.C. (ROK 7) which will fit his Vortex Kaibab 15X56.
He bought both the ABC Rok7 qnd also the Badlands to compare which was slimmer ( this is big glass and you feel like you are wearing a daypack on your chest)
For him he actually prefered a plain webbed harness over either of these cases due to the size.
However these glasses are just too big for spotting and stalking with.

I used them on a tripod for days trying to pull a bull off the mountains for our friend.
But back to the original question, I am not sure how anything could be better designed (IMHO) than the Alaskan Guide Creations.
I will replace my harness again to carry my Viper HD in 10X42.
Next buy will be the Sig range finder either 1200 or 2200.


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