Looking for info for California pigs

T Bone

Well-known member
Jan 8, 2001
Eastern Idaho
I just moved from Idaho to Reno Nevada. (Before I left I purchased an Idaho lifetime hunting license). I'm looking for info for Central and Northern California pig hunting.
I prefer archery but have been known to pick up a rifle now and then. Any info would be appreciated.
CALI (RICK) what-cha got for my BUD here ?!?!?! DON't leave him HANGING!!!!!

T-bone.... come hund hogs in Texas with us April 2nd !!! you'd have to take Mon-Tues off.. BUT heck, For only $75 you could Wack as many hogs as ya want and a turkey too !!!

HECK.. cheap meat bro
TELL JEN, that you need to do some ..uhhh.. MArketing with some clients
HAHA !!!!!!

ANYWAYS, When ya get the answer.. call me and Waren... I'm sure we could make a quick weekend trip with ya !!!!
I'll see what I can find out. How much do you want to spend? In general, I think it will run you about $400 on up for a good hog. I would suggest emailing "Big Tusker" at [email protected] He has a ranch in Hollister, I think, and runs hog hunts. I haven't used a guide in years, but the ranches I hunt aren't open to the public, and I can't seem to talk Ruth into letting anyone new hunt there. :(
Thanks for the help Moosie, Calif. Hunter, and Big Tusker. I'm in contact with Big Tusker about hunting his place. The Texas trip sounds fun, but I'll have to pass. I have to limit my excursions to one or two days due to the new baby.
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