
Looking at buying a new rifle... Custom? Semi-Custom?

It does shoot best with the Hornady VMax ammo, that's what I've shot .5 MOA with.

I realize that is not something I can expect from a big game rifle, but it sure would be nice.

We all have our different expectations - I don't expect that out of a big game rifle - I demand it - either it's fixed or down the road it'll go.
I haven't found one that can't be fixed - sometimes it's a new barrel, trigger, bedding, stock, scope or whatever.

Just out of curiousity - have you looked at the crown on your barrel through a magnifying glass or bore scope??
I could do that and a $400 Leupold VX-3 3.5-14 42mm CDS for $1,500 on the dot. I guess I would have shipping and FFL fee on the gun and would need to buy rings.

What a better backup gun for a 7mm Mag than another 7mm Mag? ;)
We all have our different expectations - I don't expect that out of a big game rifle - I demand it - either it's fixed or down the road it'll go.
I haven't found one that can't be fixed - sometimes it's a new barrel, trigger, bedding, stock, scope or whatever.

Just out of curiousity - have you looked at the crown on your barrel through a magnifying glass or bore scope??

I looked at it closely with my naked eye. I will look with a magnifying glass tonight though.

This gun has never shot better than 1.5 MOA though, and I'm back close to that after tightening up the screws. I think that last 3 shot group was a hot barrel and a dented soft point.
3 shots cold barrel, wind blowing 20+ right to left.


Good enough for me for now.
I think you found your problem.

Put a VX3 on that rifle, pillar bed it, and work up some reloads for it. I think you'll be surprised and pleased with the results.
Man, that Roughtech with a 3.5-10 Loopy with CDS would be the ticket. Only rifle I've seen in awhile that I like as much as my Remingtons. mtmuley
I really do need to setup a 200 yard bench. I shoot at my house (or rather about 300 yards away from my house) and have the 100 yard setup pretty nice. To do something at 200 yards I will have to build a little bump to get me up high enough to clear the edge of the pit that my 100 yard range is in. I actually have some fill that I have been wondering what to do with so that might be a great idea.
Do you have access to any reloading equipment? I think with a little load adjusting you could be sub MOA
I looked at it closely with my naked eye. I will look with a magnifying glass tonight though.

This gun has never shot better than 1.5 MOA though, and I'm back close to that after tightening up the screws. I think that last 3 shot group was a hot barrel and a dented soft point.

The last group that you posted is not too bad and I would say that your gun is not in bad shape. Regarding the crown, a friend of mine had a very expensive Remington that had a bad crown right out of the factory. You just never know. It would be real simple to get it re-crowned by a gunsmith and would be a cheap fix, if that was the problem.

If your screws are now tight and the barrel is free-floated, then I doubt that it is a bedding problem. It can't hurt to try it, though.

Also, I was talking to another guy on here who was looking at picking up a Forbes and spoke with Melvin, who said he will work on them, but won't honor the warranty. Ed might be able to elaborate.

That's correct. Melvin will work on them, but he made it clear that it would be on the customers dime and NOT considered warranty work. Too bad, I thought it would be my next rifle. Back to the drawing/dreaming board.

Randy, the Kimber would be great with the Life BHA membership. Although I'm a bit concerned given your experience.
Loose/cracked stocks & screws can be a mystery.And the 1st place to look @ with wandering pattern.
Always check your gear...
If you are expecting 1 1/2 " groups @ 100,that's easy. I prefer 1/2" @ 100,1 1/2" @ 200.
Lots of fancy terminology thrown around these days. What does the rifle say@ target @ distance?
100yrd targets are fine for sighting in and practice....30-30's,22's.
Use a 200 yrd. zero and practice minimum with a high powered modern rifle.

Looks like you found a start to a solution.Maybe deciding what you really want is next.
Why the variables on calibers? Don't you know why you were shooting a 7mm Rem Mag?
Do you really think 1 1/2" grps @ 100 is good and what is expected from a Browning?
Just curious.
Personally I found a round,rifle and set up I prefered and have been fine tuning for 35+ yrs and kinda like it being consistant.
I had my good old Rem 700 -06 start to wander and after 2 yrs and 2nd rebed a hairline crack in the stock grip. New Hogue stock,Timney trigger ADL-BDL conversion kit and I had a brand new tack driver for less than $400.

Find a cal. your comfortable with(AND can get ammo for),find a Brand you prefer(NOT told you should) find a shooter and go hunt.Or go shoot at a range,preferably with some distances to practice @ properly.
Just MHO.
I would prefer under MOA groups, but I was never able to attain that with this rifle. I expected to shoot under MOA groups with it. I've tried a bunch of stuff when I first got it, probably shot a dozen different makes and models and weights of ammo through it, all factory though. It has always been good enough because for the most part I limit myself to 300 yard shots. I'm now thinking it would be nice to reach out a little farther and that's why I would like to get something that is closer to .5 MOA.

Instead of spending a ton of time and effort working to get it to MOA, I'm hoping that I can get another gun that already shoots under MOA without having to spend the time and effort. I would be tickled pink to get something that shoots as good as my AR15.

I picked the 7mm Mag as an all purpose rifle that would be good for pretty much everything in North America. I waffled at the time between the 7mm Mag and the .300 WSM and pretty much just flipped a coin. I was thinking of getting a .300 WSM just to have something different. I am now thinking there could be advantages to having 2 guns shooting the same caliber, especially such a good all around caliber like the 7mm Mag. Then again, I think getting something like a .270, 7mm-08 or something along those lines would be a good gun for my 9 year old son when he starts hunting with me so that could be a backup gun instead of having 2 of the same caliber.
I see where your going.
I too thought of getting a 300 WM or 338,308 ,for maybe distance.
Remembered my WW2 8mm Mauser I started with ,then thought the 7mm mg was one of the best all around distance and put down calibers.Ammo available.
There is a custom Weatherby 7mm mag. in maple at a local shop I drool over every time I'm there....
But I got a new Zeiss scope on my -06 and I can shoot easy out to 600 at the range here now and 400 on game,my personal end point in the field. And I am an old -06 guy.
But I will get that 7mm mg if a ship comes in....not likely in NM.LOL
I have shot 7 mags for many years. I probably would have always had an '06, but I got my first 7 mag in a trade and stayed there. I have owned three and all have been tack drivers with all of my hand loads. A 7-08 is a fine round and is suited for anything that you will be hunting. As is evident on this forum, it does all you need for varmints to elk.

I have a .308 and it is a fun rifle, but I just really like the 7mm bullets and their performance on targets and game. I think that if I could do it over again, I would have a couple 7-08s, put SWFA Super Chicken scopes on them and call it a day.